Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Fisher Investments

Recommended Reviews

I have been a Fisher client since the year 2000, so feel I',m in a much better position to comment on Fisher',s performance and quality of service than others who have come and gone as clients in a year or two. I',ve been happy with my portfolio some years and not so happy in other years. The past 13 years have been hard on stocks investors at time and there',s no such thing as a crystal ball, no firm that I know about has a perfect track record in the past few years. I',m not a ",big client,", my account is probably fairly small compared to many others that Fisher handles. But I',m always treated with respect, client contact is maintained on a monthly basis with a personal phone call.

I urge people considering Fisher to look at facts and figures when making decisions. I have another money manager who has performed poorly in the past few years and I',m getting ready to transfer my investments there into Fisher. There',s no such thing as a free lunch in investments, but I remain true to course. No money manager can hit every up and down with 100% accuracy.

Comment from Ken S. of Fisher Investments

Business Manager

1/25/2013 Susan,

We are sorry to hear you were so disappointed with our services.  There is no question… Susan,

We are sorry to hear you were so disappointed with our services.  There is no question short-term volatility can be uncomfortable, and we appreciate that even temporary declines can be difficult to undergo.  However, brief--and regular--corrections are a part of  every normal bull market.  Timing them perfectly is simply impossible, and trying to exit the market at every pullback is usually devastating to long-term returns and is simply not compatible with a long-term growth strategy.  Experiencing a correction  does not mean we are not paying attention to portfolios or are ignoring economic conditions.  On the contrary, we spend a great deal of time and effort determining which events are likely to have market-moving power, and which are more likely to be noise that is soon forgotten.  More often than not, remaining invested through a short-term pullback is the best strategy for staying on a path to long-term growth.

As for our fees, they',re always charged exactly as outlined in our letter of agreement, and fully disclosed in each quarterly statement.  You',re welcome to contact us if you have any questions on fees that were assessed on your account, and we',ll gladly do what we can to help.

- Fisher Investments Read more


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