Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Dr. Oz - s Top 4 Appetite Suppressants Compared to Natural Suppressants for Fighting Belly Fat

5 Ways Your Food Causes Cancer

The most sought after appetite suppressants or weight loss drugs are those that come from a prescription pill or miracle supplement that is convenient, requires no change in diet, effective and well-tolerated by the body. For now, however, such appetite suppressants and weight loss drugs are just wishful thinking as many have more cons than pros to them.

The good news is that some common everyday foods offer natural appetite suppressant qualities that can not only help in the fight against belly fat, but also are much healthier for the body than many of the top appetite suppressants and drugs on the weight loss market.

One example of an effective drug on the weight loss market is Xenical (Orlistat) (Don't Take Xenical Without Reading This First ). Xenical has been shown to be effective in weight loss through its mechanism of action as a fat blocker. Taking Xenical can block up to approximately 30% of the fat calories in your diet, which means that it prevents a significant proportion of fat from being absorbed by the body through the intestines. The unabsorbed blocked fat then passes through the system undigested and is eliminated as part of your body waste.

However, the maximum effectiveness of a weight loss drug like Xenical is dependent upon a change in diet. Studies have shown that when combined with a healthy eating plan and an exercise program, that Xenical’s effects are more pronounced.

Furthermore, one of the chief complaints of users of Xenical is that it is not well-tolerated by the body. The primary complaints include abdominal cramping, flatulence, leakage of oily stool, increased number of bowel movements, and the inability to control bowel movements.

Therefore, although effective toward weight loss, it is not well tolerated by the body with inconvenient side effects, and it does require a change in diet and lifestyle.

In fact, weight loss drugs and appetite suppressants share a number of common side effects that include:

• Increased heart rate

• Increased blood pressure

• Anxiety

• Sweating

• Constipation

• Insomnia

• Excessive thirst

• Dizziness

• Drowsiness

• Stuffy nose

• Headache

• Dry mouth

The good news is that natural appetite suppressants are easily available that although may not be as fast-acting toward weight loss as drugs and supplements, still do work over time and are much better for overall health.

The following is a summary of six natural appetite suppressants in the forms of foods that are commonly shared among health-related websites that you can bring to the kitchen and to your family in the fight against belly fat:

More often than not, slight dehydration during the day causes symptoms that are mistaken for hunger. The answer to this is to remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Some sources recommend wearing 6 rubber bands on a wrist as a reminder to drink six 8-oz glasses of water on top of whatever other fluids they may consume. With other fluids in mind, researchers have found that drinking a cup of hot green tea (Read about the benefits of tea ) or a small can of vegetable juice like V-8 before a meal can do more and act quicker toward suppressing appetite than taking many supplements.

Apples are perhaps one of the most neglected natural appetite suppressant food chosen for weight loss when in fact, apples suppress appetite in a number of ways (Dieters, Think Before You Peel That Apple ). For example, apples are high in soluble fiber and contain pectin—which helps the stomach feel full. Feelings of satiety before eating a meal are also aided with a low-calorie apple before a meal due to it causes you to eat slower and gives your body’s hunger signals a chance to decrease before digging into a main course. Apples are also a good way to control blood sugar levels and maintain energy levels that when low lead to overeating.

Pine Nuts and Almonds

Pine nuts possess more protein than other nuts and seeds and also possesses pinolenic acid, which can stimulate specific sensors in the brain that are responsible for telling you that you're full. Pine Nut Oil Boosts Appetite Suppressors Up To 60 Percent for 4 Hours

Another appetite suppressing nut is the almond—a rich source of Vitamin E, antioxidants and magnesium that according to The 2006 Obesity Society Annual Scientific Meeting has been shown to increase feelings of fullness in people and help with weight loss. Other research has proposed that almonds may also decrease the absorption of fat into the blood.


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