Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Мад (2012) Mud (original title)

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Title: Мад (2012)

7,5 /10

User Reviews

Absolutely gripping, moving, and beautiful - a must see!

It isn',t fair compare this title directly to other films, but I will anyway. So here goes: Huck Finn with a dash of Deliverance, Winters Bone, and Tree of Life. By the way, I hated Tree of Life, which WAS beautiful but entirely too experimental for my liking (I would have been fine with it as an exhibit at a modern art museum). But Mud is a film that is a pleasure to look at, and also has a fantastic story that weaves in poverty, youth, the loss of innocence, love, and violence.

The life in a small town depiction is completely spot on. I am from a small town (West, Texas, which recently experienced the tragic explosion), and the people, locations, and attitudes are completely believable. Anyone who was a boy in a rural area will really connect with the story.

The writing and directing is brilliant. It is the perfect blend of pacing, dialog, and action. The acting all around is top notch. Matthew McConaughey delivers an Oscar caliber performance, I liked this even more than his role in Frailty (which if you are looking for a great suspense / thriller, that is a must-watch). Supporting characters are completely effective and convincing. The actors playing the two boys deliver amazing performances, I suspect we will be seeing this young men for decades to come.

I am hoping that this movie gets recognized as the outstanding piece of film that it is. It is gorgeous to watch, and the locations feel far, far away from a Hollywood studio. But this is not just a pretty ",art", film, it has an outstanding story that will grip you from start to finish.

In summary, I kinda liked it. A+, a rare and solid 10!

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