Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Scantron machine

Scantron Test Scoring Machine (TSM)

Distance Learning instructors are welcome to use the Scantron 888 P+ Stand-Alone Test Scoring Machine (TSM) located in the Distance Learning Center.

We have a selection of student response forms available for Distance Learning course use.

Preparing To Use Scantron Scored Tests
  1. Determine the approximate number of questions for the test. Scantron student response forms come in various sizes. Forms are available for 20, 25, 50. 100 and 200 questions.
  2. Come to the Distance Learning Center and choose the appropriate form for your test.
  3. Prepare a KEY using one of the forms chosen. Mark the Key bubble [5] on each "Part" of the KEY form. Mark the correct answer for each question. There are additional scoring options described below.
  4. Administer the test.
  5. Bring the tests to be scored to the Distance Learning Center and score the tests.
  6. Select an appropriate Item Analysis form for this test. Item Analysis forms come in 50 and 100 question formats.
  7. Score tests.

General Operations

  • Turn the machine Off, then On to clear the machine's memory. If the machine is powered Off, any results will be lost.
  • To start over, power the machine Off, Power it back ON, read the KEY than read the student response form, followed by the Item Analysis form.

Scoring Tests

These instructions are for tests that can be scored in a single pass. All the questions answered are in a row across the form. Other test types are discussed later.
  1. Verify that the "Key" bubbles have been filled in on the form being used as the KEY. Verify that there is a correct answer indicated for each question.
  2. Turn on the Test Scoring Machine (TSM). The machine should beep twice and the. light next to the Power switch should be on.
  3. Feed the KEY form through the TSM. The machine should. beep one and print the number of questions contained in the KEY on the right side of the KEY above the last questions in the row.
  4. Feed the first student test through the machine. The TSM will put a red mark in the margin next to each incorrect answer. Verify that the expected results and the actual results for this student agree.
  5. Feed the rest of the student answer forms through the machine.
  6. After the final student answer form has been processed, feed the Item Analysis form through the TSM.

Note: In order to print all the information, the Item Analyis forms only have 25 question per edge (or Pass). To record the analysis for more than 25 questions, once the first "pass" is complete and the analysis for the first 25 questions has been recorded, the Item Analysis form must be turned so that the next analysis for the next 25 questions can be recorded in the next "pass" score space. Scoring Tips

  • The maximum number of questions that can be scored in one "run" is 100 using the 1-50 and 51-100 question portions of the student response form.
Additional Features
  • Subjective Scores - additional scores for subjective testing such are an associated essay can be added into the student score using the Subjective Score feature.
  • Print Percentage score - prints the percentage for the student's score. To activate the percentage score feature, fill in the percentage bubble [%] as well as the Key bubble [5], when preparing your KEY.
  • Print Alpha correct score and raw score
  • Print Numeric correct answer and raw score

Methods for cheating the Scantron system

Most of these methods are pretty easy to detect and defeat, BUT you got to know what to look for. You may want to familiarize yourself on what to look for.



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