Welcome to Hoffman Cabinets!
We want to encourage you to take a moment and read a story!
In late 2010, during the grips of the &ldquo,great recession&rdquo,, our bank sent a business analyst here to examine the financial state of our company. He flew down from New York City and spent 3 days at our headquarters going through all of our financials and evaluating assets and values and interviewing us with every question you can imagine! On the 3 rd day, he sat down in our conference room and told us where our sales needed to be in order for us to &ldquo,make it&rdquo, and stay alive as a business. I won&rsquo,t reveal that number, but I will say we had fallen about 400% below that number. It was bad!
As he talked with us about the frightful condition our company was in, he paused and looked around our office. He looked around and saw an open bible, a framed cross, a sign that says &ldquo,Victory in Jesus&rdquo,, a painting of Jesus washing Peter&rsquo,s feet and another frame that simply says &ldquo,3:16&rdquo,. After his pause he took a deep breath and said &ldquo,I see you are some spiritual guys&rdquo, and we nodded and said &ldquo,yes sir, we are&rdquo, and then he said &ldquo,I don&rsquo,t care what god you guys pray to, your company will never make it back to where you need to be and you are not going to make it&rdquo,.
We both just sat there in silence.
When he reported back to the bank in New York we were asked to find a new bank. Not an easy task for a company in the financial crisis we were in!
We say all of this to let you know that our sales in March 2013 are now double, and climbing, from what the New York businessman said we could never achieve, no matter what god we prayed to. I will also say that we have had 14 consecutive months above the number he said we could never achieve. Praise God! Robert and I firmly believe that God performed a miracle in our company. Our CPA was in our office last month and congratulated us on how our company has had such an extreme turnaround and have sustained it for a long period. She also said &ldquo,each month we would do the financial statements and look around the office and ask ourselves how are they staying alive&rdquo,. She followed up with &ldquo,the only explanation we could come up with is that we are witnessing a miracle from God&rdquo,.
We would like for everyone to know that we pray to the one and only true God, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the greatest phenomenon that has ever crossed the horizon of this world. He&rsquo,s Gods Son. He&rsquo,s the sinners Savior. He supplies strength to the weak. He is the supreme problem in higher criticism. He's the fundamental doctrine of true theology. Death couldn&rsquo,t handle Him, and the grave couldn&rsquo,t hold Him! I wonder if you know Him today?
We would like to thank all of our loyal customers and to all of our employees who stuck with us and a bank in Arlington Texas who took us in. God uses normal, everyday people to fulfill His miracles and we believe that God used every one of you to fulfill this miracle. But most of all, we would like to give praise to God Almighty. Praise God and His Son Jesus Christ.
Jon and Robert Hoffman, Glorifying God by following the Jesus Way and owners of Hoffman Cabinets!
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