Taking mineral oil by mouth can cause nausea, vomiting and stomach cramping. Because mineral oil is taken generally at night on an empty stomach, nausea is a common side effect of oil-based laxatives. Vomiting is not as common a symptom and may require consultation with a physician if a person cannot keep food down for more than a day.
Reduced Absorption of VitaminsMineral oil can carry the dangerous side effect of reducing the amount of vitamins and minerals absorbed into the digestive tract. Malnutrition can result due to a lack of Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Vitamin K and Vitamin A if mineral oil is used for more than seven days, according to the ACS. Taking mineral oil as a laxative within 2 hours of eating may also block the absorption of nutrients even if used for less than a week.
Rectal Leakage Drug InteractionsUnwanted and potentially dangerous interactions with prescription drugs may be a side effect of using mineral oil as a laxative. The American Cancer Society reports that some people who take anticoagulant medications (blood thinners) or birth control pills may find that their prescription drugs may not work properly when used along with mineral oil. People taking any type of medications or supplements should consult with their doctors before beginning to use mineral oil for laxative purposes.
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