The OPTIFAST Diet originated in 1974 and is a medically supervised weight loss program designed for those who are considered to be obese, which means being more than 50 pounds over their ideal body weight. The OPTIFAST Diet consists of an 18 week program that is aimed at helping those who are obese shed massive amounts of weight.
During the 18 weeks, those on the OPTIFAST Diet will undergo a complete lifestyle evaluation and receive constant consultations with a medical expert along the way. Each participant has a meal plan laid out for them which is mostly liquid and then transitions into more solid foods as the OPTIFAST Diet program comes to a close. In addition, a custom exercise regimen is put together for those who participate.
Do Dieters Lose Weight on the Optifast Diet?Dieters on this type of diet will almost certainly lose weight. Based on the fact that meals are mostly in liquid form and that the daily caloric intake of individuals is cut by more than 50% in many instances, the weight loss prospects are very good for the short-term.
However, once the OPTIFAST Diet program is completed the dieter is left to maintain their success on their own. They do get guidance, but ultimately they will have to be responsible enough and disciplined enough to maintain their newfound healthy lifestyles making it a diet that is not always good for long-term weight loss success.
Is the Optifast Diet Easy to Follow?Because the OPTIFAST Diet is meant for those who are obese, doing the diet will not be easy. After all, the main reason for most people’s obesity is overeating and when the caloric intake gets cut down to almost nothing, it can be hard to stick with the diet. It is likely for this reason that many who start the OPTIFAST Diet end up dropping out before the 18 weeks are up.
Additionally, many who are not used to any sort of exercise may have trouble with the OPTIFAST Diet. Even though each exercise regimen is custom designed to each individual, it can still be hard to do what is required, especially if you are the type of person who loathes working out altogether.
ConclusionAnytime you hear the words “medically supervised diet” you can bet it will cost you. The OPTIFAST Diet is no exception. The cost for the program alone comes out to be $2,150 for 18 weeks. In addition, you will also be required to spend another $115 per week for food and supplements. So, by no means is it a cheap way to lose weight nor is it an easy way to do so. While it might be effective if followed to the letter, there are other weight loss options, even for those who are obese, that cost far less and can still deliver great results.
Optifast | By Lucy Hall | 2012-06-02
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