Monday, March 23, 2015

NX6 and Blitzz

NX6 and Blitzz

I'm new to this site, but it seemed like a reliable place to get the truth about what supplements to take, instead of all the bodybuilding websites where people just want to get as huge as possible.

My questions are particular to NX6 and Blitzz, both from complete nutrition. The guy working there gave me a sample of both and said he stacks them together. I tried them today preworkout and really liked how they made me feel. However, he said Blitzz was on the banned substances list for college athletes, but I'm not sure why..

It seems to just be concentrated form of creatine, Kre-Alkalyn which I researched and it is simply PH buffered creatine so it does not form the waste product, creatinine.

It also contains 2g AKG, 1g Kre-Alkalyn and Beta-Alanine, 500mg of Acetyl L-Caritine, 250mg caffeine, and 20mg of 1,3 Dimethylamylamine (germanium). Is it banned because of the germanium?

Also, not sure if anyone has used NX6, but what are your thoughts on that? Upon reading more I see the 1,3dimethyl. is called a vasoconstrictor, but NX6 is a nitric oxide supplement so that would be vasodilation. are the two products working against each other?

NX6 has:

750mg of L-Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate


L-Arginine Ethyl Ester HCL


L-Ornithine HCl

150mg of L-Citrulline Malate



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