Jab, Cross, Squat, Jump, and Switch
Attack and avoid an imaginary opponent with this punch combo.
Stand with your right foot forward, arms in 'on guard' position (elbows bent, hands in fists on either side of your chin). Throw a right jab (punch your right arm forward, rotating your fist down, without locking out your elbow), a left cross (punch your left arm forward, rotating your left hip into the punch and lifting your left heel off the floor), and then bring your arms back to on guard position. Quickly push your hips back and lower into a squat, jump up, and rotate 180 degrees in the air, landing with your left foot forward.
Back Kick and Knee Strike
Power up your lower body and core with this killer kick combo.
Stand with your feet together, arms on guard. Bend your left knee in towards your chest, and then extend your left leg behind you, pushing out through your left heel, foot flexed. Quickly bend your knee back in and step down.
If you want to make this more challenging, add a hop as you transition from the kick to the knee strike.
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