Monday, March 16, 2015

Fever Blisters Pictures

Fever Blisters Pictures

Fever blisters which are also known as cold sores are small blisters in groups that develop around the mouth as well as the lips. Skin surround these blisters are often sore, red and swollen. These blisters can often break open, ooze a fluid which is clear and then form a scab. Normally they heal after a few days to a couple of weeks.

These fever blisters are caused by herpes simplex virus. Actually there are 2 kinds of herpes simplex virus and both cause mouth and lip sores as well as genital herpes.

Herpes simplex virus normally invades the body thru a skin break inside or around the mouth. It usually spreads if individual contacts infected fluid or a cold sore by kissing someone who is infected or coming in contact with that individual’s saliva. If a parent has a cold sore it can often spread to her or his child. These fever blisters also can be spread to additional body areas.

Fever Blisters Pictures
  • Painful, fluid-filled small blisters on a red, raised area of skin, normally around the mouth.
  • Tingling or pain known as prodrome that often comes first 1 to 2 days before the blisters.
  • Normally lasts for ten to fourteen days.

Fever blisters mostly develop on the lips but occasionally they can develop on fingers, chin or the nasal nostrils. And, although unusual, they have been known to develop in the mouth – often on the roof of the mouth or gums. If the sores develop on soft tissues inside the mouth such as inside the cheek or underneath the tongue they actually may be canker sores instead of fever blisters.

Fever Blisters Pictures

Fever Blisters images, photos, pictures of fever blisters on lips, face, nose, tongue, inside mouth, chin, hands, throat, children, gums…,



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