Pros: cheap
Cons: terrible warranty serice and customer service.
Q-See no-seeCons: no quality control may or may not work new out of
" No Quality Control,
Spent days hiding the wiring, should have tested the unit first !
Unit beeps continuously because it has no hard drive.
Customer service was fast, but no help.
Seems you must jump the hoops before getting an RMA number, be prepared, need passport, birth certificate, Costco receipts, transportation receipts.
There was no cute 'QC' sticker, seems some units do work, if you are one of the lucky ones. My shop is being robbed regularly, so I thought this looked good. I have been robbed again since installing, but because the hard drive does not work there is no record.
I Should have bought a cot and a shotgun to protect my shop, this sure did not help.
Rating only goes down to one star, this is negative 5 star.
If you need quick protection, this is NOT it. "
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