Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Our mission

The outpouring of support I received when I announced my diagnosis 10 years ago led to my raising funds for MS and establishing The Montel Williams MS Foundation in 2000. Through the sacrifice of individuals living with MS hosting dinners, concerts and golf tournaments, the innovation of groups of schoolchildren raising money through Math Olympics and various community service projects, and the stunning generosity of retirees donating $10 a month of their precious fixed incomes, we have raised and distributed $1.5 million for MS research!

As the foundation&mdash,your foundation&mdash,prepares to make its annual grants to top institutions studying MS I reach out to you, once again, in the spirit of cooperation that has always characterized us. Please give and most important, tell everyone you know to join us. Because of you and because of your efforts we will be one step closer to a cure for MS.

Montel B. Williams

our mission

The Montel Williams MS Foundation is dedicated to furthering the scientific study of multiple sclerosis. Its goals are to provide financial assistance to select organizations and institutions conducting the most current research, to increase allocations for research from the federal government and to raise national awareness about MS.

The Foundation contributes 100% of funds from individuals to research. Administrative funding is personally underwritten by Montel Williams and by corporate donors.

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montel's ms story

When the neurologist said those three words - ",You have MS", - it hit me like a brick. I thought the diagnosis was a death sentence. I'd heard of multiple sclerosis, but I didn't really know what it was. I knew it meant excruciating pain and that eventually I could lose control of my body. I also knew there was no cure. That was enough to plunge me into the depths of despair.

During the next two months, I experienced the lowest moments of my life. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I became so despondent that I considered ending it all. But I knew my children and my family loved me and depended on me, and I couldn't let them down.

It became clear that I had a choice to make. I could spend the rest of my life feeling sorry for myself as the victim of a tragic fate. Or I could view my illness as a call to action -- an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of millions who suffer from MS and their loved ones.


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