People often think of lifeguards as your stereotypical beach bums with hard, bronzed bodies. What they fail to realize is the truth of the Lifeguard persona. Lifeguards choose to be lifeguard because of the lifestyle and the empowering feeling of saving a life. We go to bed happy knowing we made a difference in someone's life and somehow the world. It is the lifestyle that brings many of us back from that post-college rat race. where the goal is to find a desk job and live the unhealthy life that society's norms promote. If your true purpose on this planet is to be happy and live life to the fullest. then why not have a job that allows you to do those things. Lifeguards are not what we are but rather who we are. It is the fabric of life in our bodies and the dream we are living. We don't need riches to buy our happiness.
Waterman Sunscreen Coast Guard, Seal Team, GSA The Lifeguard Story.It's now 0630 on the big day and Bruce's mom has just woke her star child with breakfast in bed and dad is pumped. Bruce, accompanied by his parents, drives to the beach after breakfast to watch their son put all that training to the test. When they arrive at the beach Bruce is wondering what exactly he is getting himself into. The surf is the biggest it has been in years and it looks like the tryouts are still being held. The water is 55 degrees Fahrenheit and wetsuits are not allowed because of longtime tradition and the advantage of floatation.(read on below)
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