Welcome to Clear Choice Custom LASIK Center! Our goal is to provide LASIK to our patients - delivering the highest standard of medical care at the most affordable price. By consistently delivering on this promise, we've expanded the number of our centers to become one of the leading vision correction companies in the USA.
Experienced and dedicated physicians, the latest laser vision technology, a commitment to patient satisfaction, and affordable fees - these are the reasons why Clear Choice Custom LASIK Center has been the solution for thousands of LASIK patients who now enjoy clear vision.
LASIK CONSULTATION -- If you are interested in LASIK eye surgery, but want more information about it is right for you, we offer a comprehensive LASIK consultation. After this no-obligation visit, our doctors will review your options with you and discuss the best surgical procedure for you. Please CONTACT US to set up your appointment today. Your source for LASIK in Cleveland!
Look for the Clear Choice Custom Cruiser on the highways and at local events. We're offering free on-the-spot screenings and answers to any questions you might have.
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