Wednesday, January 7, 2015

AT&T s No

AT&T's No-Contract Aio Wireless: Which Phones Can You Get?

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What phones can get you on AT&T's new no-contract Aio Wireless service? We check it out.

AT&T jumped into the no-contract world yesterday with the launch of Aio Wireless, a new service that will offer unlimited talk, text, and data.

Aio will function as a subsidiary of AT&T, Inc. so AT&T Wireless customers hoping to ditch the contracts like T-Mobile users did recently will have to wait a bit longer. Aio is starting with a slow rollout, it's currently only available in Houston, Orlando, and Tampa, but more cities are expected soon.

Aio said pricing will vary from $35 to $70 per month for 4G service, depending on the market. For Tampa, the Aio website listed several service plans: Aio Basic with unlimited data (throttled after 250MB), talk, and text for $40 per month, Aio Smart, which throttles after 2GB for $55 per month, and Aio Pro, which throttles data after 7GB, for $70 per month.

A $15 per month tablet plan offers 250MB of high-speed data. Gadget users can also add another 1GB of data to their device or add global calling and texting across 35 countries for a one-time or monthly payment of $10.

Customers can bring their own, unlocked device to use on Aio, but those who need a new phone can choose from one of seven smartphones, two feature phones, and a tablet. That includes the iPhone, but don't expect the $199 price tag you find on AT&T. Losing the contract means you also lose the subsidies, so prepare to shell out a couple hundred dollars for the iPhone 5.

To see what Aio has on offer, check out the slideshow.


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