Thursday, January 22, 2015

New york state teacher certification exams

NYSTCE New York State Teacher Certification Exam Study Guide

The NYSTCE New York State Teacher Certification Exam is regarded as one of the toughest and most comprehensive teaching exams in the US. This exam thoroughly tests a potential teacher’s knowledge in their specialist subject, but also ensures that they have the broad skill set required to be an effective teacher in the state.

NYSTCE New York State Teacher Certification Exam

The NYSTCE qualification is a stringent set of tests, and the candidate must show a good level of understanding in all of them. A candidate must pass the Liberal Arts and Science Test (LAST), the Elementary or Secondary Assessment of Teaching Skills, a content exam, and the Assessment of Teaching Skills Performance Video. There are two other tests, needed in specific areas.

    The NYSTCE Communication and Quantitative Skills Test: Candidates seeking to teach technology or industrial arts must also pass this test. Bilingual Education Assessment: Candidates seeking to teach in a bilingual environment must also pass a test in their chosen language.

The NYSTCE tests vary in structure, depending on type, but all contain a mixture of multiple-choice and free response questions. Language exams incorporate listening and oral components, and music contains a listening section.

The written tests are 100 questions long, and usually include 70 - 90 multiple-choice questions and 1 - 10 free-response questions.


This exam tests the all round knowledge of the teaching candidate in all areas of art, science and the humanities. The questions are not specific, as the teacher is not expected to have mastery in a broad range of subjects, but will ensure that they know where to look for information, that they can critically analyse and evaluate data, and that they have a high degree of proficiency with language, mathematics and literature. Finally, it tests the candidate’s knowledge of the sociological conditions and influences that surround students.

The NYSTCE Elementary and Secondary Assessments of Teaching Skills

A candidate must pass one of these tests, which show that they understand the skills, knowledge, and techniques needed for teaching elementary or secondary school children.

The NYSTCE Content Exam

The content exam evaluates the competency of a candidate in their chosen subject speciality, and covers a broad range of topics. To become a teacher, students must pass this test, the penultimate stage in their teaching certification.

The NYSTCE Assessment of Teaching Skills Performance Video

This is a video of the candidate taking a class of children, and assessors will ensure that candidates are confident, knowledgeable and passionate in their chosen vocation, before allowing them to teach.

The NYSTCE New York State Teacher Certification Exam Study Guide

The NYSTCE is an extremely stringent and thorough test of a candidate’s ability, so good preparation and an understanding of the test structures are essential. The NYSTCE New York State Teacher Certification Exam study guide will ensure that you give yourself the best possible chance to pass this series of tests.


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