Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Lifeline Marine Batteries & Lifeline RV Batteries

Lifeline Marine Batteries & Lifeline RV Batteries

Lifeline Batteries have earned global recognition as the premium sealed AGM battery technology. Professionals from a multitude of industries have benefited first hand from the overwhelming success rate of our battery line. Lifeline Batteries are manufactured in West Covina, California by the Concorde Battery Corporation and is a US family owned and operated company. The Lifeline Battery technology is a direct spin off from Concorde's industry leading aerospace battery lines. All of these batteries satisfy the rigorous demands from many branches of the US Military and a host of industrial and private sector applications. (i.e. UL. ISO. Mil-Spec. USCG. DOT & MSDS .)

Since the introduction of the Lifeline Battery brand name in the early 1980's, our AGM batteries have proven themselves as the premier battery choice in a number of different industries with countless applications. As a result of our proven track record for success, we are called upon often by national and international companies to consult on new battery ventures and powering their technologies. During the past seven years there have been exciting new technological advances that have led to the development of new battery group sizes and significant improvements to the Lifeline Battery lineup. Our batteries are manufactured by a time consuming yet proven 'hand-made' process from start to finish. In addition to making our batteries by hand, we use superior battery component materials and a host of exclusive proprietary manufacturing processes. Please choose from one of the following mass markets segments for more specific information:


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