Friday, December 12, 2014

Wilderness first responder

Wilderness First Responder (WFR)

The nationally recognized standard in wilderness medicine education

&ldquo,The curriculum was exceptionally well-sequenced to continually build upon prior learning. The pacing kept us alert by alternating informative lecture with carefully chosen hands-on scenarios. These first aid and rescue scenarios continually placed students in situations requiring thinking and analysis, rather than merely rote memorization. Furthermore, the variety and frequency of scenarios kept reinforcing our learning of important skills.&rdquo, &ndash, WFR grad

The WFR course is designed to provide you with the tools to make critical medical and evacuation decisions in remote locations. Classroom lectures and demonstrations are combined with realistic scenarios where mock patients will challenge you to integrate your learning.

Learning takes place both in the classroom and in outdoor settings regardless of weather conditions. Come prepared for wet, muddy, cold or hot environments.

Prerequisites: No previous first aid training is required. You must be 16 years old to attend this course.

Certification: Participants are required to pass both written and practical examinations to obtain WFR and CPR certification. Successful course completion earns you a WMI Adult &, Child CPR certification and a WMI Wilderness First Responder certification. EMTs will earn a Wilderness EMT certification. All certifications are current for two years.

College Credit: 3-4 semester credits are available from WMI-affiliated colleges and universities. More info.

Continuing Education Units: This course is pre-approved for 70 hours of EMT Continuing Education Hours (CEH) by the Continuing Education Coordinating Board for Emergency Medical Services (CECBEMS). More info.

Active members of the Wilderness Medical Society may earn up to 55 hours of credit towards a Fellowship of the Academy of Wilderness Medicine (FAWM). Check with the Wilderness Medical Society for your personal credit details. More info.

This course is approved by the United States Coast Guard to satisfy the first aid and CPR training requirements [46 CFR 11.205(e)(1)(i) &,46 CFR 11.205(e)(2)(iv)] for a merchant mariner license. More info.

Scholarship and Financial Aid: Individuals fluent in American Sign Language or Signed Exact English may be eligible to receive a full scholarship. We accept AmeriCorps awards for the WFR with college credit. WMI can process Veterans Benefits for WFR courses in Wyoming. More info.


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