I have been considering purchasing a 380 pocket pistol and decided on the P3AT. I mentioned it to my father and he said he had a 380 i could have. Unfortunatley it was the AMT Backup. It has been in his safe since the early 90's-ish.
I brought it to the range today and gave it a go. It shot flawlessly until approximately round 50. It began to ftf but I was convinced that it was because it was dirty/hot/needed lube because when hand charged sometimes it wouldnt go into battery.
Anyways, assuming that I get it to go bang reliably here is the problem. It is the old SAO version. Google research found some discussion of a limited safety block between the internal hammer and sear(?) and the owners manual says not to carry one in the pipe.
Apparently there were some manual safety problems as well but after inspection I am satisfied that the safety is operating properly. The other safety mechanism on this weapon is the grip safety.
Like most people here I refuse to carry an unloaded piece. If you have made it this far down my long thought, my real question is: Is it safe to carry this weapon cocked and locked? I picked up an uncle mikes pocket holster (#1) for 12 bucks so the trigger will be covered properly.
Should I make this a safe queen and go get the p3at? Should I carry this until the new ruger is out? Should I take a sledgehammer to the AMT? Help! Thanks!
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