Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Herkimer Diamond Meanings and Uses

Herkimer Diamonds

Introduction to the Meaning and Uses of Herkimer Diamonds

Herkimer Quartz ",Diamonds", are the high energy seekers of the crystal world. Unusually transparent with a brilliant sparkle, they manifest pure, solid Light and are powerful amplifiers of spiritual energy. As perfect conduits of the universal Life Force, they are exceptional healing crystals, and are used in meditations, dream and vision work, and advanced spiritualization applications.

Herkimer Diamonds are the most powerful of all Quartz crystals. Being doubly terminated, they have the ability to not only transmit their own energies, but to receive spiritual energy and to amplify and focus it intently. They are reported to be harder than all other Quartz, giving them the strength and durability to handle difficult challenges beyond the scope of other Quartz crystals. What they lack in physical size, they more than make up for in spirit energy.

This mineral owes its name to Herkimer County, New York, USA, the principal place where it is found. The small, double-terminated crystals are short and stubby, formed in a hard rock matrix giving them their strength. They may be exceptionally clear and colorless, or contain rainbow inclusions, air bubbles, or black carbon deposits. A small percentage of these crystals contain enhydro inclusions of water. Some are smoky rather than clear, and similar-looking crystals have been found at other sites, but generally do not have the same hardness or high gloss of genuine Herkimer Diamonds. [Simmons, 196][Eason, 136]

Herkimer Diamond Uses and Purposes - Overview

The Herkimer Diamond is an ",attunement stone,", useful for attuning to another person, group or environment. It is particularly beneficial to use before the ",laying-on-of-stones,", or other healing situations when the practitioner and subject are not well acquainted, and is an exceptional crystal for linking people together who have to be apart. For attunement, the Herkimers should be held simultaneously as one at first, then upon parting, each person should retain one of the stones, or, a cluster may remain at one location while an individual carries a portion of that cluster on his person to connect with the energy of a group or environment. [Melody, 319][Hall, 143]

Herkimer crystal is also a valuable asset in its ability to receive and magnify the influence of other stones. It expands a small or soft energy stone, giving it the strength and effects of a much larger stone. [Megemont, 67][Simmons, 196]

Herkimer Diamonds have a crystal memory, accepting and retaining information which can be retrieved at a later time. They may also be programmed with thoughts of love, well-being, or healing for others to draw on. [Melody, 319-320][Hall, 143]

The Herkimer Diamond is extremely useful in healing environments where its clarity, brilliance and high frequency facilitates the removal of energy blocks or debris, and stimulates healing by increasing the amount of Light energy the body can utilize. [Ahsian, 197-198] It is an exceptionally strong crystal for clearing electromagnetic pollution, radioactivity, and geopathic stress, and makes an excellent environmental spray or gem elixir. Larger Herkimers, even cloudy, included ones, may be used to grid a home, healing space or bed. [Hall, 143][Ahsian, 197]

Herkimer is a good crystal for teachers of spirituality and alternative therapies. As a power stone in the workplace, it brings positive attention and prosperity through high achievement, and assists with research and study as it stores knowledge. It is also beneficial in stabilizing company finances. [Eason, 41, 136]

Herkimer Diamond Healing Therapies - Overview

(Please note: Information on this web site is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. All information contained on this web site, including information relating to medical and health conditions, products and treatments, is for informational purposes only. Please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments, diets, supplements or exercise programs.)

Herkimer Diamond Physical Healing Energy

Herkimer crystal is a supreme remedy for fighting pain. Placed on the afflicted area, the energetic current begins to circulate in as little as three to four minutes, reducing the pain until it disappears. [Megemont, 67]

Herkimer Diamond is a powerful purifier, ridding the body of toxins, and has been used to correct imbalances in RNA/DNA, cellular disorders, and metabolic rate. [Melody, 320][Hall, 143] It is helpful in preventing physical exhaustion and burnout, and stimulates immune defenses. [Eason, 136]

Herkimer alleviates tension in the outer and physical bodies, and helps to re-align the energy structure. It also releases tensions and rigidities of body tissues, allowing for memory recall in these areas to help facilitate healing. [Melody, 320][Hall, 143]

Herkimer is also supportive of the eyes and is useful in eyesight correction or healing. [Ahsian, 197]

Herkimer Diamond Emotional Healing Energy

Herkimer Diamond carries an energy of delicate harmony and an understanding of the essential being within the self. It allows for appreciation of all that is within us, and encourages us to recognize that there is ",nothing to become,", that we already are what we are seeking and only need to allow the actualization. [Melody, 319]

Herkimers encourage the concept of beginning again in this lifetime, clearing the body-mind system of unconscious fears and repressions, and allowing for total relaxation and expansion of the Life energy. [Melody, 319]

Rare, water-included Herkimer Diamonds are special healers of the emotional body, helping to see one's deepest self and in bringing the light of Spirit into dark places. In clear Herkimers, water inclusions stimulate the heart center, creating an illuminating and uplifting energy that may bring on feelings of rapture. In foggier Herkimers, water inclusions allow one to see what one fears most within oneself, without judgment or losing heart. Water-and-carbon-included Herkimers assist in removing energetic chords, arrows or patterns from the emotional body. [Ahsian, 197]

Herkimer Diamond Chakra Healing and Balancing Energy

Herkimer Diamond, with its pure, crystal light, clears the chakras, opening channels for spiritual energy to flow. It stimulates conscious attunement to the highest level, and is particularly helpful in activating and opening the Crown and Third Eye Chakras.

The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head, and is our gateway to the expanded universe beyond our bodies. It controls how we think, and how we respond to the world around us. It is the fountainhead of our beliefs and the source of our spirituality. It connects us to the higher planes of existence and is the source of universal energy and truth. When the Crown is in balance, our energies are in balance. We know our place in the universe and see things as they are. We are unruffled by setbacks, knowing they are an essential part of life.

The Brow Chakra. also called the Third Eye, is the center of our perception and command. It directs our sight and everyday awareness of the world. Our consciousness is located here, and we relate to ourselves through this chakra. It balances the important and the unimportant, sorting meaning from data and impressions. It commands the energy flow within the body. When the brow chakra is in balance we see clearly and understand what we see. Our thoughts and internal communications within ourselves are healthy and vibrant. We are open to new ideas, dreams, and visions. We can be quietly observant, and reflective, and can control the flow of energy within all the chakras.

Enhydro (water-included) Herkimers are special crystals that stimulate the Heart Chakra. Located near the center of the breastbone, the Heart Chakra regulates our interaction with the external world, and controls what we embrace and what we resist. It gives us the balancing ability to be ourselves within the environment. When the heart chakra is out of balance we may feel either controlling or controlled in a relationship, and become critical of the little foibles of others. We may find ourselves having inappropriately strong emotional responses to everyday external stimuli. Herkimer crystal energy resolves blockages and re-balances the heart chakra, helping us understand our own needs and emotions clearly. We can deal with the ebbs and flows of emotional relationships, understand their cyclic nature, and accept the changes.

Because of its ability to enhance the properties of other crystals, Herkimer Diamond works well with nearly any other stone to stimulate and re-balance chakra energies.

Herkimer Diamond Spiritual Energy

Herkimer Diamonds emanate the brightest crystal Light, purifying one's energy field and attuning to the Divine. They carry the grace of a constant, almost subliminal connection to higher spiritual domains, even to the point of drawing angels to its pure etheric radiance. [Simmons, 196] Herkimers have also been credited with enticing fairies.

Because of their high vibrational frequency, Herkimer Diamonds may stimulate clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities, and may assist in prescience or telepathic communication. [Melody, 319 ] They are extremely useful for vivid dreams and dream recall, and may be used to recover past life information. [Eason, 136][Hall, 142]

Herkimers are powerful tools for astral travel, dimensional shifting and other explorations into expanded reality. Grids with large Herkimer Diamonds are used to create dimensional doorways, their internal structure making them ideal for both sending and receiving energy. They provide power and assistance when establishing vortices for Earth healing or sacred space, and are suitable for electrical or magnetic vortex grids. [Ahsian, 197]

Because of its powerful otherworldly energies, Herkimer is not a stone for children or animals. Carrying Herkimer or wearing as jewelry for prolonged periods may cause disorientation in some individuals. [Eason, 136]

Herkimer Diamond Color Energy

Clear Herkimer Diamond is not influenced by color energy.

Meditation with Herkimer Diamond

Herkimer Diamond assists in meditation by clearing the body-mind system and allowing for total relaxation and expansion of the Life energy. It opens the higher chakras and helps one to remain focused on the meditative state. [Melody, 319][Ahsian, 197]

For out-of-body experiences, choose a Herkimer with a black inner seed, and focus on the black. [Eason, 136] To use as an enhancer for other crystals, hold a Herkimer in one hand, while holding the crystal of choice in the other.

Herkimer Diamond Divination

The Divinatory meaning of Herkimer Diamond: Be careful if making a purchase that you are getting value. [Eason, 136]

Herkimer Diamond and the Angelic Realm


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