Thursday, December 4, 2014



30 years ago Herbalife was one of the first companies to pioneer powdered  , weight management products. Today, Herbalife is one of the most successful companies- selling products in 70 countries around the world!

Simply the Best

There are two very simple reason why the Herbalife Weight Management products virtually 'sell themselves' - they help achieve FANTASTIC RESULTS, and they are EASY TO USE. No tedious calorie counting, no skipping meals, no disappointment. Just slim, slim, slim!

* You can save money on your food bill because you will no longer want to buy expensive ready-made junk food, chocolate, biscuits, crisps and sweets.

*Perfectly balanced nurition. Scienifically developed and produced to exacting standards, our Formula 1 provides everything you , need to help you reach optimum health.

* Too busy for breakfast? Too busy for lunch? Too tired to cook? , Have a shake instead! It's so quick and easy - in just a few minutes you will have produced a balanced and delicious meal-in-a-glass, which then allows you more time to do the things you really want to!

*Forget all those dismal diets, when all you could think about were the foods you couldn't eat. The good news is - you need not feel hungry, you can feel satisfied, and have plenty of vitality.

* Tasty meals! The shakes taste so good - forget all those stories you've heard about powdered meals being gritty, flavourless and off-putting - the Herbalife shakes taste wonderful, they're super-smooth, and so satisfying!

*Plenty of variety! An almost endless supply of fantastic recipes to tempt you with delicious ingredients, whilst keeping your calorie intake down and your nutrient level up, up, up.

* More vitality! Ask anyone who is using Formula 1, you can really feel the difference. This is the natural outcome of a more finely-tuned body, and the reward for balanced nutritional intake and making those positive changes to your lifestyle.

* There are no restrictions - the products are safe for any adult to use, male, female, young or old.

* It's not a club so there are no joining fees, no weekly fees, and you will not have to stand up in front of a group declaring your weight loss.

*Fabulous results - join the ,40 million customers who have already had success with the Herbalife range of products. To view Herbalife Testimonials  ,

* Choice and flexibility - if either the Quickstart, Advanced or Ultimate System is inappropriate to your needs, then your Distributor will happily devise a tailormade Weight Control Programme for you.

*The whole product range is backed by reliable and friendly personal service, offering support, advice &, encouragement, you will be helped every step of the way by your Distributor.


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