Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Best Way to Enjoy Padron Peppers

The Best Way to Enjoy Padron Peppers

These Padron peppers literally melt in your mouth with a small amount of salty heat chasing a lingering pepper flavor as you grab the next one and the next one.

Padron peppers are Luis Castelero’,s pride and joy.  He grows Padron peppers at his ranch in Lake County, California and likes to serve them in the purest way which is using the following recipe that he shared with me.  It goes something like this, blistered in a heavy skillet coated with olive oil and then simply salted with the best sea salt you can get your hands on.  Take hold of a stem and bite into the pepper, the small ones in one bite and the larger ones maybe in two.  They literally melt in your mouth with a small amount of salty heat chasing a lingering Padron pepper flavor as you grab the next one and the next one..

The following recipe makes a fair amount, enough to fit comfortably into a good size frying pan, which in turn fills up a dinner plate to serve as a killer appetizer.  My husband and I easily polished off the whole amount last night.  While it’,s always more fun to enjoy Padron peppers up at the ranch with friends and a good bottle of wine on a hot Lake County Summer’,s night, here’,s Luis’, recipe- the next best thing.  I wish I could share the peppers too.


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