For several years now Japanese Wagyu meat, also known as 'Kobe'-style beef, has been enjoying increasing popularity.
Experts and gourmets who have recently discovered Wagyu meat consider it to be the most tender, most succulent and tastiest meat in the world.
There are all kinds of stories about these imperial cattle from Japan that are massaged, fed on beer and then sold at astronomical prices in Tokyo's top restaurants.
These are not just folkloric. The Japanese have devoted extraordinary care and attention to the rearing of this unusual breed of cattle, focusing on the quality rather than the quantity of their beef. The result is the ‘caviar of beef’.
Wagyu meat has taken the US by storm, with New Yorkers queuing for Wagyu burgers. New York's famous steak-house, Old Homestead in Manhatten now serves Wagyu burgers at a whopping price of $41.
Marbled BeefWagyu meat is striking because of its wonderful marbling which results in a never-before-experienced succulence that sends the taste buds reeling. The fat in the meat has more monounsaturated fats and melts at room temperature which makes Wagyu beef suitable as part of a lower-cholesterol diet.
The high degree of marbling adds an extraordinary depth of flavour which makes Wagyu beef a culinary delicacy.
Latest research from Pennsylvania State University shows that Wagyu beef can actually help to reduce cholesterol levels.
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