Rebounding offers several noteworthy advantages when compared to other, more traditional forms of exercise. You can use a rebounder indoors or out so you can work out all year round with no worries of bad weather preventing you from exercising. They are portable and compact so you can move your mini trampoline from place to place with ease. Rebounder workouts are ideal for people who are overweight or who suffer from joint pain that is exacerbated by high impact activities such as running. Rebounders can be used for a wide range of exercises such as side-to-side jumps, high knee marching, hopping, step-ups, pushups and even jump rope so you can work different parts of your body and develop cardiovascular fitness, muscular endurance, balance and coordination.
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Rebounder Workouts
Rebounder Workouts Last Updated: Feb 10, 2014 | By Patrick Dale
Rebounders, a type of mini trampoline, provide a versatile, effective and fun way to get fit, lose weight and stay healthy. There are numerous exercises you can perform on a rebounder so your workouts need never be boring, boredom being the enemy of making exercise a habit. If you are new to exercise, have been sedentary or unwell lately or are very overweight, consult your physician before you start a new exercise routine, especially a rebounder workout. Amazing Advantages
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