Friday, April 3, 2015

Hibiclens acne


Posted 27 June 2005 - 02:02 PM

Hi everyone. I wanted to share some information I',ve found about Hibiclens. CHLORHEXIDINE topical antiseptic (Hibiclens®, Hibistat®, and others) is used to clean the skin prior to surgery. Chlorhexidine destroys bacteria, which helps prevent infections during and after surgery. Chlorhexidine cleanser (Hibiclens®) may also be used to treat acne.

www.ncbi.nlm. 7&,dopt=Abstract

Here is a summary:

The efficacy of 4% CHG (Hibiclens) was compared to 5% benzoyl peroxide and the product vehicle in randomized controlled studies (Stoughton and Leyden 1987). In the first trial, benzoyl peroxide and CHG were both used twice daily for 12 weeks. Both treatments significantly improved the condition of acne patients (BP, p<,0.001, CHG, p<,0.01) at eight and 12 weeks. The subsequent 12 week study compared CHG to vehicle and showed that CHG again effected significant improvements in patient condition at all times (p<,0.001). CHG was also significantly more effective than vehicle at each test period (p<,0.05 to 0.001).

www.drugdiges. biclens,00.html also says that Hibiclens can be used to treat acne. I just went and bought some at Walgreen',s, but I think they have it at Rite Aid, CVS &, most other stores like that in the U.S. I paid $,10 for 8oz bottle that I',m assuming will last a long time. I plan on using it today and will report back with my results.

Anyone already using Hibiclens for their acne? If so, how',s it going? From what I',ve read, Hibiclens is potent enough and kills a broad enough range of microbials that your skin most likely won',t become immune to it.

I love Cheesy Puffs!,


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