Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Dr. Mark Hyman

How Good is Your Gut-Brain-Fat Cell C.

Does your appetite control system work?  Take the following quiz to find out. In the appropriate box, place a check for each positive answer. Then use the scoring key to [&hellip,]

Why You Need To Design Your Health

I have been hearing great reports from the participants in the recent four-week tele-series Design Your Health with my favorite life coaches at the Handel Group. So much was accomplished [&hellip,]

Is Your Kindness Killing You?

I admit it.  I am a “nice-a-holic.”  Its hard to share this because it is embarrassing, but I have learned that I am happiest when I tell the truth, when [&hellip,]

How to Rewire Your Brain to End Food.

I’m a food addict. We all are. Our brains are biologically driven to seek and devour high-calorie, fatty foods. The difference is that I have learned how to control those [&hellip,]

7 Steps to Reverse Obesity and Diabet.

What disease affects EVERY other American and one in four kids? Type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes. Type 2 diabetes in America has tripled since the 1980s, and researchers estimate one [&hellip,]



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