TOGAF®,, an Open Group certification. is the open enterprise architecture standard used by the world&rsquo,s leading organizations to improve business efficiency. The TOGAF Certification Program has enabled more than 25,000 enterprise architects and trainers around the globe to demonstrate their proven knowledge of the framework.
Certification is achieved through a two-part exam, following a course of self-study or an Accredited TOGAF 9 Training Course. The current syllabus is based on the TOGAF 9.1 standard since December 2011.
The Open Group TOGAF 9 certification is:
&bull, Used by the world&rsquo,s leading enterprises to certify a common body of core knowledge about the methodology and framework
&bull, Valuable in demonstrating to employers and peers your commitment to enterprise architecture as a discipline
&bull, An outstanding career move and a foundational certification in the career of any enterprise architect
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