Thursday, January 22, 2015

Thoracic (TLSO) Braces

Bort PostOban Short Thoracic Abdominal Binder for Women Thoracolumbosacral Orthosis (TLSO) Back Brace

There are a number of back conditions for which a thoracolumbosacral orthosis (TLSO) can be helpful. This term refers to the region of the back such braces support, including the thoracic, lumbar and sacrum part of the spine as well as the area where the thoracic and lumbar section meet, which is known as the thoracolumbar region. If you are looking for an upper back brace, a TLSO might be right for you. (See the diagram below for a better idea of where these levels are located).

Osteoporosis Thoracolumbar Pain

Osteoporosis is a relatively common condition, especially among older women, that left untreated can cause a number of other health issues. This condition causes the bones of the body, including the vertebrae, to become weak and brittle, making them much more susceptible to fractures and the like.

There are a number of medications and hormone-related treatments for osteoporosis treatment as well as a number of preventive practices in which one can engage to ward off or lessen the symptoms of the condition.

There are also a number of supports for stabilizing the spine to minimize the risk of fracture and to ease thoracolumbar back pain or stiffness associated with osteoporosis. The Bauerfeind DorsoTrain®, Osteoporosis Back Brace. with its plastic rod insert, helps align and support the spine. This support is shaped like a jacket that can be zipped up the front and buttoned at the crotch via easy-to-reach fastenings.

The material of this Bauerfeind TLSO orthosis is breathable and gentle on the skin, plus it can be adjusted to suit anyone&rsquo,s needs. This TLSO brace spine support also has an adjustable belt that encircles the waist for additional compression.

Thoracic Lumbar Sacral Orthosis for Spinal Fractures

Fractures of the spine do not only occur in bones weakened by osteoporosis. Major trauma, such as a motor vehicle accident, a gunshot wound or a driving accident can result in major thoraculmbar injury. In many such instances, surgery will be needed to repair the damage, but leading up to and following surgery, a stabilizing and immobilizing thoracic lumbar brace will be needed, such as the Corflex Thoracolumbar Brace for Thoracolumbar Fascia Pain or the Cybertech Cybercross TLSO Hyperextension Orthosis .

The Corflex thoracolumbar support is an elastic compression brace with suspenders that supports the spine as well as the back. It features double-tension straps for additional compression as well as a pocket for holding any cold or heat inserts.

This wraparound brace is also an ideal support for thoracolumbar fascia pain relief. The lumbar dorsal fascia is a membrane that covers the deep muscles of the trunk. This tissue wraps around the back and it can be stressed or strained by a number of activities and/or mechanical imbalances.

The Cybertech Crisscross thoracic lumbar sacral orthosis uses a three-point pressure system to improve posture and thoracic alignment to reduce pain. This brace features soft, waterproof padding and an easy-to-adjust pull knob to adjust the vertical components of the brace.

Or in instances of a stress fracture that requires bracing to extend or hyperextend the spine, the Cybertech Hyper-X Plus TLSO Brace may be a good option. This thoracic lumbar sacral orthosis is unique in that it stabilizes the pelvic and sterna region of the body so that the spine has a chance to heal.

Thoracolumbar Brace for Scoliosis

One condition in which TLSO bracing is helpful is scoliosis. This refers to an atypical lateral curve to the spine. The amount, location and degree of the curve can vary from individual to individual, and therefore so does treatment methods. For those with mild curves, regular check-ups to monitor any worsening of the curve suffice for scoliosis treatment. But in other cases a thoracic lumbar brace or surgery may be needed.

One popular option at BraceAbility is the Cybertech Cyberspine Thoracic Lumbar TLSO Back Brace. As is the case with most Cybertech products. this thoracolumbosacral orthosis brace features the company&rsquo,s patented mechanical pulley system that makes the brace easy to put on and to adjust the compression to stabilize the spine. For additional user comfort, the adjustable shoulder straps and the brace itself are padded with a plush material. The lining of the brace can be removed for a sleeker fit.

Kyphosis TLSO Brace

Another condition characterized by an unusual bend of the spine is kyphosis. This refers to an exaggerated rounding of the back, a condition also known as round back or hunchback. This is most common among older women, in such cases, it is often a side effect of osteoporosis weakening the spinal bones so much so that they crack, compress and take on a wedge-like shape. But some cases of kyphosis affect teens and infants, as this can also stem from birth defects, slouching, cancer and Scheurmann&rsquo,s disease, to name a few.

In mild cases, no treatment will likely be needed as there are no noticeable symptoms. But in other cases, kyphosis can cause thoracolumbar pain and stiffness. In extreme cases, kyphosis can disrupt the function of internal organs, tissues, nerves, etc.

Treatment for kyphosis is dependent upon the underlying cause as well as the extremity of the condition and the age of the patient. Pain relievers, osteoporosis drugs (if applicable), strength exercises and stretches and bracing can be helpful for improving or preventing this condition from worsening.

The Cybertech Thoracic Posture Brace and the Cybertech Kyphosis Back Brace are designed with ease of use in mind. These TLSO braces are designed so that they are nearly as easy to put on and adjust as a backpack (See the TLSO brace pictures for brace instructions). The durable but soft mesh material and non-irritating placement of buckles of these supports make the anatomically contoured thoracic lumbar support products easy to wear.

Herniated Disc and Sciatica TLSO Back Brace

Injury or aging can also result in a herniated disc in the spine, which, in turn, can put pressure on the sciatic nerve. causing pain to radiate through the body&rsquo,s lower extremities. The Cybertech Postural Extension II - Kyphosis Back Brace can relieve back pain associated with these conditions in a comfortable manner.


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