First of all, read the hidden reviews, there are a lot more positive opinions over there. People are so quick to complain when they don',t get their way.
I bought this certification on Groupon ($150) because I was looking to get a pay increase at my last PT job, I had never heard of the company until then. Most of the trainers I know had never heard of them as well. Fortunately it was accepted by my old gym and the corporate wellness company I now work for.To be honest I doubted the quality at first since I had never heard of them. But I needed something and I went in with the mentality that I could always get a ",better", certification later on. It isn',t one of the most recognized certifications like NASM, ACSM, ACE, NSCA but it really should be. I proved myself wrong!
They are in no way a scam. You pay them money and you receive study materials to help pass the test. simple as that. There are no refunds because it is intellectual material, for all they know, buyers could save the data and ask for a refund with the data kept on their computer. ALL businesses that sell E-books of any kind do this (Worked at a bookstore in College).
I really got the most bang for my buck with this course. The videos provided are thorough and show situations that trainers will experience on a daily basis. John Platero knows his stuff! Yes you have to know anatomy physiology and some Biomechanics, but think of it this way: Would you rather invest in a trainer with a background in exercise science, or a trainer whose knowledge is based soely on his/her experience working out. The best trainers know how to take a client through a workout and avoid injury, since they know how the body works! You cant simply memorize exactly what the textbook says and expect to pass, those that pass have an understanding of how to apply the material. I have worked with great trainers and not so great trainers. The not so great ones will basically say ",here do this exercise", with no consideration to injuries, age, etc. Yes the exam is applicable to fitness training unlike some reviews on here state, If it was easy everyone would be a personal trainer.
Alright I',m done ranting. Here is what I liked about this certification
-Videos that teach exercises, how to cue the client, common compensations and how to fix them. I honestly see myself using them for future reference.
- A Facebook group where test takers share insights, how they study, study methods, ask for clarification on difficult topics. The owner of the company is a member of the group too and participates! (Not really company sponsored but a very helpful tool!)
-Study guide and Practice test provided in the package give you more than enough to prepare you for the exam
-Straightforward information that doesn',t bore you when you are reading it! I have a B.S in Kinesiology and some of the information not only helped refresh my memory, but helped clarify topics that I was fuzzy on in college
-Not only did I learn more about training clients, I gained some insight for my own training programs. Win Win!
-THE LOW PRICE even without the Groupon $
Minus one star because CEUs seem to only be limited to the ones NCCPT offers. For instance, taking a TRX course will give CEU',s to any of the certifications I listed earlier but not NCCPT. Not the end of the world though.
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