Sugilite: ",Lavulite/Royal Azele",
Properties. This stone enhances psychic abilities. Gets you in touch with your Spiritual Guides. Protects, absorbs and dissolves anger, hurt, unwanted energies. Sugilite brings spirit/light into the physical body and heart for healing, especially when placed on the Brow Chakra. This stone helps to alleviate depression/despair, stress. This stone brings peace of mind, well being, spiritual love and is considered androgynous. It is one of the purple stones, which help to balance right and left brain function. Used to help anyone ",integrate", into the world or new surroundings.
Folk Remedies. This crystal is an important healer's stone used to gently draw out pain (headaches too), inflammation, stress, dis-ease, toxins, emotional blocks, autism and aspergers. Balances adrenal, pineal, pituitary, and Lt/Rt brain.
Feng Shui. Sugilite is used in the Center direction for balance and any area where there needs to be a shift or transition.
History. Sugilite (KNa2 [Fe2Mn2Al] 2 Li3Si12O30) is also called ",Lavulite/Royal Azele", It can be solid, violet pink to purple. Found only in the first half of the 20th century, first in Japan then in South Africa, this stone has been commonly used in the making of jewelry.
Sugilite brings about the realization of the connection between the well-being of the body and the well-being of the mind. attracts healing power. is a ",love stone", for this age, representing the perfection of the spiritual love of ",All that is", and facilitating the manifestation of this energy on the earth plane. can help one to forgive oneself. can help one to believe in oneself. can be used to eliminate hostility. an excellent stone for headaches. From ",Love Is In The Earth", by Melody
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