Thursday, January 15, 2015

Simmons ComforPedic Memory Foam Mattress Reviews

Great nights sleep, love the warmth in the winter. Please read before spending any money on a foam mattress.

We purchased the Simmons Comforpedic Loft Air Cool a year and half ago. At first the bed was fantastic. We slept great and couldn',t have been happier with our HUGE investment. Now, laying in the bed feels like we are in hammocks. Both of our backs are sore every morning. I am writing this not because I',m angry, but because I truly want to warn people what could happen over time with a foam mattress. They didn',t tell us that the foam reacts to body heat and molds around you. They also left out the fact that if you are a person that is normally warm or even hot the foam will continue to contract under your weight. We are average sized people and the bed did not last 12 months for us. I also want to share something else. I don',t know how to say it other than, if you enjoy ",marital relations",, this bid will be like doing it in quick sand. Please be very careful before spending tons of money on a foam mattress.

Again, great in the store, but did not last a year.

Same situation, over time the bed deteriorated to the point where I sleep on the floor some nights.

Great for a year, sinks after, with no warranty recourse. Does not last even a year You get what you pay for.

My husband and I purchased this bed because it felt great in the store. It was much cheaper than other foam mattresses and seemed like it was of good quality. We enjoyed it for the first twelve months or so, but things went downhill fast after that. The mattress conformed to our bodies at night and didn',t spring back much at all during the day. We made sure to turn it end to end often, but that didn',t help. We have been using it for three years now and there are permanent grooves in it on each side, with a big lump in the middle where no one sleeps. My husband',s side has a deeper groove since he is heavier. If I move to his side of the bed, it feels like I',m falling into a hole. My husband can',t lie on my side of the bed because I fall into him. I deeply wish we would have spent the extra money to get a good quality bed. I would not recommend this bed to anyone. We will be disposing of it as soon as we can afford to buy a new one.

comfortpedic cool air mattress great for about 8 months, now HORRIBLE

When we first got the bed I was thrilled, comfortable, and loved it. After only a few months noted that it started to have indentations on each side. We had been warned that it would naturally depress a little, but that it would only be about an inch and a half and that it would be ok. NOT OKAY. as the months progressed the indentations turned into ditches. We each have a huge crater on each side of the bed with a mountain in between. It is literally nearly physically impossible to roll from one side of the bed from the other. You go down into a huge ditch, then have to try and roll up this huge mountain, only to end up in the other ditch. My back hurts so badly I have started to sleep on the floor or on the couch many nights, and we are both sore everyday when we get up if we stay in the bed. With the HIGE amount of $$ we spent on this bed, the fact its a piece of crap after this short time is ridiculous. I give it this low rating because it doesn',t matter if it started out great, in the end a mattress is supposed to last you 7-10 years. If it cant even make it through a year, nothing else really matters, SAVE YOUR MONEY, this is a horrible product. Side note, my husband and I are of average weight, and sleep a normal 7-8 hours per night. The product did not have any excessive use to cause these issues.

Great investment

My husband and I love this mattress. We decided to invest in a new bed so it was important to us to find a quality mattress. We tried out a few in the store, but the Simmons comforpedic was the one we kept returning to. We were a little nervous about it being too firm, but it is amazing. Worth the money for a great night sleep!

This is a very firm mattress. My husband tends to like a softer mattress so we were concerned that this may not be a good match for him. To our surprise, he loves it.

best investment for people with fibromyalgia This mattress is very comfortable, makes me want to goto sleep . A fantastic nights sleep! Wonderful for fibromyalgia No more pain..I CAN FALL ASLEEP AND STAY ASLEEP. (ComforPedic)


After sleeping on innerspring for 15 years of my adult life, I have finally found salvation from pain and restlessness. It used to take me 30 or more minutes to fall asleep on a traditional mattress. Sometimes it would be an hour later, and I',d still be awake. My back hurt, my knees hurt, my shoulders and hips were uncomfortable. BUT NOW I CAN FALL ASLEEP AND STAY ASLEEP.

The mattress we picked out is the Simmons ComforPedic. It is not the plushest of the plush or the firmest of the firms. It is a mattress inbetween which fit our needs. When you lay down, you can feel the heavier parts of your body sink in and be cradled lightly. It is just enough to take the pressure off your hips and shoulders. The bed conforms to your whole body giving it gentle support no matter what position you are laying. Every night when I lay down I tell my husband how much I love that mattress. We',ve had it now for 2 months. If I remember, I',ll come back and review it after we',ve had it longer. I will say that the first 2 nights were not that restful, but my body was adjusting to the new sleeping environment, so don',t give up after a few nights.

One more thing, I never feel my husband turn over, get up or anything. I never wake him up when I move around either. Motion is not transferred. There is only one drawback to the loss of spring action for a couple, but you will sleep like the dead!

I highly recommend this mattress. It is more expensive than innerspring, but it is worth it!!


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