Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Inspirational Messages, Christian Poems, Stories, Humor, Quotes, Cartoons

Inspirational Messages. Christian Poems. Stories. Humor. Quotes. Cartoons

1998 Inspirational Poems and Christian Poems for your enjoyment. Inspirational poems to lift your spirit and provide encouragement. For Christians, there are Christian poems for your soul, poems about faith, and spiritual growth poems. Original Christian poems and poetry inspired by the Holy Spirit, can be found here. Plus a wide variety of thought provoking poems to help you learn, funny poems to bring a smile, and comforting poems for a hurting heart. There are three Christian poems and Inspirational poems indexes. with search capability, to help you find what you are looking for. Sample Inspirational poems and Christian poems categories include: Free Christian Poems. Funny Poems. Love Poems. Short Inspirational Poems. Christian Poems for Children. Christian Poems for Women. Life Poetry and Christian Poetry. Also, Beautiful Christian Poetry with beautiful graphics. Many other Inspirational and Christian poems.

848 Inspirational Stories and Christian Stories. Hundreds of inspirational stories to encourage, Christian stories with a lesson, inspirational stories about overcoming struggles, humorous stories, heart-warming stories, love stories, comforting stories, parables, as well as warm and fuzzy stories too. Inspirational stories and Christian stories indexes, including 'search' capability, to help you find what you want.

1275 Inspirational Humor and Christian Humor to help provide a smile to brighten your day. 'A cheerful heart is good medicine. ' Inspirational humor and Christian humor indexes, with 'search' capability, to help you find the Christian humor you're looking for.

1205 Inspirational Messages and Christian Messages about life events, and how people deal with them. These inspirational messages provide wisdom, messages of joy, messages of peace, and comfort, messages to help us grow. Inspirational messages and Christian messages indexes, with 'search' capability.

More than 2,100 Inspirational Quotes provide humor, inspiration, and a smile, as well as Christian Quotes and Bible quotes to teach and provide spiritual growth. A few random quotes include: 'Try Jesus, if you don't like Him, the devil will always take you back.' 'When God measures a man, He puts the tape around the heart instead of the head.' 'The best way to forget your own problems is to help someone solve theirs.' 'Real friends are those who, when you've made a fool of yourself, don't feel you've done a permanent job.' 'You should never let adversity get you down - except on your knees.' 'It's good to be a Christian an know it, but it's better to be a Christian and show it!' 'Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. [Albert Einstein]' 'Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.' Quotes display 'randomly'.

Over 50 Christian cartoons. Christian comics, and Family cartoons, to provide a smile or two. Cartoons and comics are updated daily. Featured cartoons include: After Eden - Scripture based Christian cartoons, by Dan Lietha, Beyond the Ark - Baptist Press Life Lighter Side, by Doug Michael, Bulletoon - Family Christian cartoons, by Trudy O. McConnell, Church of the Covered Dish - Christian cartoons, by Thom Tapp, Daily Christian cartoons, by Joe McKeever, SpearToons - Christian cartoons for all ages, by Kevin Spear, Theophilus - Christian cartoon stories, by Bob West, and more.


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