Friday, January 9, 2015



We have updated our store. with new t-shirt designs, posters, and most excitingly, our 15th Anniversary USB Drive Ultra Spectacular Bonanza. It contains our entire all-time discography (save for our Covers EP, dowloadable soon!), plus a ton demos, videogame mixes, and unreleased fun stuff. Check out the full track listing here!

PAX Australia was amazing, thank you to everyone who came and all the awesome Enforcers! We miss Melbourne, but will be keeping busy working on new material this winter. More exciting announcements coming soon!


Hi guys! Here's a small update with some big news.

Holy wow, we are playing PAX Australia in Melbourne, VIC. The festival is October 31 - November 2nd. This is our first time playing Australia and we can't wait.

Also, Harmonix' Kickstarter for Amplitude is officially funded! We are contributing some tunes to this new edition for PlayStation4 and PlayStation3, as well as symbion project and some other old friends. In fact, the Duke released a new tune (called ACTIVATOR) in celebration of it getting funded - check it out here !

That's all. Thanks to everyone who came out to the Keytar Bear Fundraiser, and the fun that was Porchfest. More to come.


It's been a little while since our last update, but I couldn't let this go un-mentioned: The Boston Does Boston compilation, an awesome bands-covering-each-other project. We contributed a cover of "Sweater Weather" by Parks, and "Less Talk More Rokk" got the amazing metal treatment from Black Thai. Bonus: All proceeds benefit the Animal Rescue League of Boston (where I adopted the legendary Swedie many years back, so you should give them lots of money).

Also, Liz has guested on a track on Dee Tension's Secret Project, along with a great many other wonderful local music-folks. Learn more about it!

Other stuff is in the works. Sorry to be vague about it, but it is still kind of vague at this point. It's shaping up to be pretty nice though.


Hey folks! It's been quiet around here for a while, we know. We've been busy moving Freezepop HQ, found a new rehearsal space, and are ready to start making some noise again. Let's do this, shall we?


Well, it's been quite an intense week here in Boston. We're quite relieved that the worst of it is over, but there are still so many people who have been affected by the tragedies and need help. It just so happens this is the last week of our moving sale, so through 4/27 we'll be donating 100% of the profits to The One Fund to benefit those injured and affected by the events. So head to our webstore. you'll save 25% on all of our in-stock merch, you'll help us get rid of a bunch of stuff before we move, and if by any chance you already have enough Freezepop stuff in your life, you can still donate directly to And feel free to share this and help us get the word out! Another way you can help out is by purchasing Allston Pudding's Boston Marathon Relief Mixtape. We've donated a track ("Peptalk"), along with 129 other great local bands. All of those proceeds will also benefit The One Fund.


OK people, it's been REALLY hard keeping this a secret, but we are ready to let the cat out of the bag! We have TWO new versions of the Doppelganger video, and Christmas and I collaborated on making an awesome video player where you can jump back and forth between the two. AND, Seany D made two new versions of the song too! Kudos to director extraordinaire Mike Gill (of CircumVision), we had tons of fun making this. (There's also a new, improved cut of the original video here .)

We hope you love it, please share it around!


We are running a little sale over at the store. Imaginary Friends Packages 1-4 are all 25% off, as well as our lovely Calculator Watch shirt. We'll be shipping frequently through xmas, but please send in your orders SOON. Check it out. Merry holiday times to you!


We are pleased to announce the release of our new video for Doppelganger. This was made by the very talented Michael Gill from CircumVision. We hope you enjoy!


Oh hey, we won a Boston Music Award, for Best Electronic Act! The BMAs party was a great time, we had a fun lil' set and it was lovely to meet so many other Boston music peoples. Many big huge thanks to all of you who voted for us! Here's a story and fun pic in the Boston Globe!


So, recently the Boston Phoenix asked Seany D to interview Nick Rhodes of Duran Duran. He did - you can read it here - and it's AWESOME. Besides that bit of excitement, Sean is also interviewed in Keyboard magazine this month - should be hitting newsstands right about now! Yay for Seany D and his media saturation.

Also you should come see us if you live on the west coast. It will be fun and hilarious, most likely. That is the lesson history has taught us.


So, we recently finished filming the video for Doppelgänger! We are excited about this! While our crack team of scientists at CircumVision work on the final product, they put together a little video sneak peak. Hope you guys enjoy!


We are excited to be nominated for Best Album of the Year and Best Electronic Artist in the 2011 Boston Music Awards. Please vote early and vote often! We are especially excited about the Album of the Year one. (and thank you!)


Happy Independence Day from xmas! I just updated our poor bereft Press section to include more recent things than, say, Future Future Future Perfect :) We are excited about the upcoming Tokyo in Tulsa Convention and the surrounding Texas/St.Louis shows!


To celebrate our win for Best Album in the 2011 Boston Phoenix Best Music Poll. we are having a 25% sale on Imaginary Friends Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4! That's the digital download, the CD+, the Limited Edition Double CD, and the Double CD + shirt + poster pack!


We're very excited to announce that we won the "Best Album"


Wow, it's been quite a bit of time between updates again! A few fun things to report!

We are psyched to be nominated in the Boston Phoenix/WFNX Best Music Poll. and especially among such great company. We're nominated in Boston's best Album/EP and Electronic categories, although feel free to write us in for anything else you'd like ,-) You can vote once a day, so vote often, and please help us spread the word!

Finally, we are just starting to schedule our summer tour dates! So far, we know we will be planning a little midwesty thing in early June, so if you live in that area of the country and would like to bring us to your town, please contact our booking agent, Athan Maroulis: yay!


It's been busy times here! We finally got the limited edition CDs and have been shipping those out. Many, many thanks to all of you who ordered them, both for your initial support and then for your infinite patience.

We are coming to Florida soon, and can't wait to see a lot of you! Other tour plans are in the works, so stay tuned.

And here are a few cool news-y bits:

- The Village Voice named "Get Ready 2 Rokk"

- We have a new track, "Special Effects," available on the Rock Band Network! More stuff in the works, as well.

- A free song. a cute little Jesus-and-Mary-Chain-esque duet I did guest vocals on with my friend Eiscafe.

(I realize not all of this is super-timely. We'll get better about updating our site, but in the meantime, I recommend that you find us on Facebook or Twitter for more reliable updates!)

- Liz


hey everyone! just a quick note to say the bonus disc, SECRET COMPANION, available in Level 3 and up, is at the printers and should be getting shipped out hopefully in about 2 weeks - we'll keep you updated with any more deets we get. thanks for your patience!


Our new album, Imaginary Friends, will be unleashed upon the world on December 7. But all preorders will receive an immediate FREE download of our Instant Gratification pack, featuring 2 album tracks, 2 remixes, and a B-side. This offer is only good until December 7, so do it now!

As you may or may not know, we have decided to self-release this album, and your support means a lot to us. So thank you!


hey guys, it's Christmas! welcome to the shiny new! designed and built with love by liz and me. lovely news: Imaginary Friends album presale is up! and we have some other fun surprises in the new store too!

i'm still working on porting over the old content, but we figured we would get the ball rolling with a lil' beta style launch. if you're looking for bios, old shows and setlists, or the voluminous fun section, check out the fully archived old site. hope you enjoy the site! if you see anything conspicuously busted, send me an email and help me QA! thanks in advance ^_^


i've been a little lax about updating our news section. sorry about that! two exciting things:

2) a great article in kotaku about our use of the Rock Band 3 keytar on tour!


so it's been a while since i've updated, although it's certainly not for lack of stuff going on. in fact, we are ultra-crazy-busy! we went on a super-fun tour with our old pals ming &, ping and our new pals aerodrone! we are getting ready to release our album! (the date has been pushed back to dec. 7, but try not to fret!) we are playing a last-minute show next week! we are building a new website! oh, and we have new t-shirts available!


in case you haven't noticed, we have announced our album release! Imaginary Friends is coming out on November 9! We'll have a pre-sale happening here soon. In the meantime, check out one of the tracks, ",Magnetic,", which you can download for free here.

Also, in order to make room for new t-shirt goodness, we are having IG markdowns on t-shirts. go see if there's anything that strikes your fancy.


oh, we have been busy! we are currently mixing our album, we are so-so-so-close! no official release date set yet, but it won't be too much longer. AND, more good news, we are going back on the road! finally hitting the west coast again, it's been too long since we've made it out there.


news item 1: we have been making major progress with our album! been doing lots of final vocals, sorting stuff out, even writing a couple of last-minute-style tunes. it's coming together!

news item 2: i posted the tour diary from last month's fun tour with plushgun!

news item 3: we have a couple of new items in our store —, two limited edition posters from our tour. ALSO, we are clearing out some room in our t-shirt area, getting rid of some odds and ends, so i've put some t-shirts on sale! ALSO ALSO, if you needed any more motivation to buy some stuff, we are once again doing the annual sponsor-my-mom-thing, she's walking in the susan g. komen 3-day walk against breast cancer. now through june 30, 10% of all sales will go towards sponsoring her (but you can also donate directly if you'd like!)


i've been catching up on a backlog of web updates! there are a crappload of new pix on our photos page (including a new entry in the freezepup gallery!). i have also updated our ",bios", section with new pages for bananas and christmas disco-marie. get to know them a little better, won't you? i'm still working on stuff, tour diary will be online soon.


a belated note about our tour: oh my god, it was so much fun! thanks to all of you who came out and gave our new lineup a wonderful welcome. we were all feeling the love. it was a wonderful time touring with plushgun, and i hope we can make it happen again in the future!


a huge thank you to everyone at our show this weekend, and sorry to everyone who couldn't get tickets! we had an awesome time. getting ready for our tour now!

and, we have a cool piece of news from The Duke: RBN update! 7 years ago i wrote a pretty sweet drum and bass track for the HMX game Amplitude called ",Synthesized", featuring Miss Liz Enthusiasm on vocals. I've updated that song and you can now play it in RockBand2 via RBN. Anyone who emails a picture of their high score to gets a link to an mp3 of the brand new version of the song. Good luck on the drums, they're wicked killah.


we got some cute new pins! little bitty 8-bit us! go have a look !


announcing lots of shows, including an afternoon-delight show while PAX East is happening. a lil' backstory: the PAX folks juggle their lineup and rotate out bands every few years, and it's our turn to sit this one out. but then we started hearing from folks who were sad since they're going to be in town, but won't get to see us. and then we figured, hey, we live in boston, let's do something about that. we had an opportunity to play at cafe 939, which is actually a venue we've been interested in for a while, and bonus, it's right across the street from PAX! we're doing an afternoon show, so as not to conflict with the official PAX concert, and it's happening right after the music panel on saturday. this'll be a fun time, i'm *pretty sure*!

also big exciting news, sean and i are featured in this month's issue of Boston Magazine. thanks to our wonderful pup, simon. he's even featured on the cover of the pets section! pick up a copy if you're in the Massachusetts area, or you can check out a PDF right here !


aw, boooooo: the blue hand chair featured on the back cover of freezepop forever was stolen from our porch! i left it out in the open, figuring that if anyone bothered to steal it, they kind of earned it. i mean, it's a pretty ballsy move to swipe a humongous blue hand-shaped chair from somebody's front porch. anyway, i guess somebody out there couldn't take the temptation anymore. hope they treat it with love.

also: new tour dates!!


the chinese theatre remix of ",duct tape my heart", is included on electronic saviors: industrial music to cure cancer. a massive 4-disc compilation! released today on metropolis records, this 83-track collection is to benefit the foundation for cancer research and wellness. (of course you can always just download our track on itunes if you're not up for 83 new songs, but hey, it's for a good cause!)

we're definitely wayyy on the softer/poppier side than most of the other bands featured, but we were psyched to be included. here's an interview with promoter Jim Semonik, who put it all together. and here's more info about the compilation .


So we've had songs in video games before. but now i'm actually IN a video game! or my zombie alter-ego is, anyway. Go check out this nifty lil' iPhone game, Pocket Zombie. they just released their Zombie Girlfriend Charity Pack featuring me, IGN's Jessica Chobot, Destructoid's Chad Concelmo, and Game Informer's Meagan VanBurkleo. We all chose charities to donate to (mine is the Humane Society) because zombies sometimes get a bad rap, what with all that terrorizing and brain-eating.


Happy new year to you all, and what better way to kick things off than by posting a somewhat outdated tour diary, and some less-outdated photos? Have at it !


Oh man, our show on Friday night was SO MUCH FUN. The whole lineup was pretty incredible, Plushgun somehow managed to rokk out despite having flown in from South Africa that very afternoon! And we debuted our new lineup, with Bananas and Christmas. Of course we ran into a few technical issues, seeing as we were also debuting a ton of new gear, but even that was not nearly as bad as it could have been. The encore was amazing, we had a surprise guest appearance by the Duke (video here )! (it was a surprise even to me!) and we ended things with a lovely rendition of ",Do they know it's Christmas,", (video here ) featuring not only the Duke and Michael Diamonds, but Plushgun, Televandals, and the Appreciation Post! Talk about holiday cheer. Anyway, thanks to everyone who came out and gave our new members such a warm welcome. And great news, we've just confirmed another show! So, see you soon!


In time for your holiday shopping, we have restocked the lovely ",Fp10", t-shirts and hoodies! Now featuring new colors as well! Also: we now offer gift certificates, how cool is that? Go hang out in our shop !


It's time for an exciting announcement: our new lineup! Well, as you may know, our live lineup has been rather ",fluid", over the past several years. One thing we learned through all of this was that we preferred playing as a four-piece as opposed to just a three-piece. It makes for better energy onstage. And that's a good thing. Anyway, I am very pleased to introduce:

•, Robert John ",Bananas", Foster: OK, he's already a familiar face, he's played with us since 2004 and was already going to become an official member of the band even before the Duke retired. He'll be handling drum and keytar duties.

•, Christmas Disco Marie Sagan: I am psyched not to be the only girl in the band anymore! Christmas will be synthing and vocoding, maybe even doing some backing vocals.

We've been busy rehearsing and we'll be making our debut at the Boston show in December, so try to be there if you can! We'll get their official bios up here soon, but until then, here are a couple of new photos .


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