Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Cpap machine cost

How Much Does a CPAP Machine Cost?

According to CPAP.com. a CPAP machines help with sleep apnea by blowing “,air at a pressure high enough to keep your airway open during sleep.”,  All CPAP machines blow air at the same rate, APAP machines adjust depending on your breathing patterns, and BiPAP machines use different powers for inhalation and exhalation according to your breathing pattern.

How can I save money? Average Price for Users : $0
    Tiffany paid $ and Said,

My insurance paid for it at the time so I own my equipment out right it was a three thousand dollar machine.

Lisa paid $ and Said,

So which is better? To be insured or buy your own machine? We pay monthly bills for the health insurance right? How much do you think it costs?

Mark paid $ and Said,

I have a Respironics CPAP from Summit Respiratory. It is a rental and I just realized that the machine rental is $133 a month and the water heater for it is another $40 a month. I have had it for close to a year and I could have bought it outright long before now!

Mellie paid $ and Said,

My insurance applied it to my deductible. If I would have known that or that you could purchase on your own with a doctor rx I would have looked for a better buy. What a rip off!

How much did you spend?


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