Thursday, December 11, 2014

Zyrexin Review

Zyrexin Review

The guinea pig is back at it again, this time I decided to try Zyrexin all natural sexual stimulant.  This particular supplement calls itself the “,worlds strongest sexual enhancer”,, but does it really work.  Many of these pills, like zyrexin, contain harmful side effects and ingredients that you shouldn’,t even give to a dog, but that’,s not going to stop us.  I ordered this product last month and finally got around to trying it out personally.  Here is my personal review of zyrexin, in it’,s truest form.

My Order of Zyrexin

This product, when compared to many others, is actually pretty cheap.  I ordered it on February 24, 2011 off of amazon, for the low low price of $29.35.  I got a 2 weeks, which translates to 30 capsules, taken 2 times daily.  I usually don’,t finish off the bottle, simply because I am too busy trying out other supplements, and this is the case with this one.

It took about a week to get my order, and I got it from a company called Superbalife International LLC, which i assume is the manufacturer.  In a discreet, plain marked envelope, I stepped away from my mailbox with a bit of confidence, thinking this might be the answer to my sexual dysfunction problems.

The Label

According to the label, Zyrexin contains yohimbe. which for those of you who don’,t know, can actually be quite dangerous.  Apparently, yohimbe has been used for hundreds of years to treat erectile dysfunction issues, but has run into a couple of problems lately.  There have actually been men that have DIED from taking it!  Small problem.  Well, I consider myself a healthy 29 year old male, and since the world is going to end in 2012, what do i have to lose?

My Little Experiment (Results)

I popped my first pill in the morning, and started to feel the effects right around lunchtime.  For those of you who just joined this blog, note that I only take these pills on a full stomach, and often only take half the dosage so i know what I am getting myself into.  So lunchtime rolls around and I decide to run a little experiment with my “,oh so gracious”, girlfriend, who happily obliges.  We decide to get nitty and gritty, and before you know it, I have a hard on.

Now, let me explain the difference of this hard on.  I have tried alot of male enhancement products recently.  Some of them make me sick, some make me tired, and others make me restless.  But zyrexin actually made me feel very alert.  Not only that, but my stamina was through the roof!  My hard on was probably one of the biggest erections I have ever experienced, which may be the understatement of the century.

With little time to spare (girlfriends lunch is only 1 hour, “,tick tock doc”,), we got downright nasty, and it was a great, fun loving experience.  We spent a little time afterwards talking about it, and she said she could actually feel my penis throbbing inside of her.


No side effects, great orgasm, hard as a rock, would definitely recommend to anyone.  Be careful of the whole yohimbe thing though, it can really be a pain in the butt if you have heart problems.  Check with your doctor if your not sure.  But, if you’,re looking for a quick fix, I would certainly recommend popping a zyrexin pill.

Our #1 Choice For Male Enhancement –, Vigrx Plus

We have personally tested over 100 different male enhancement supplements. and Vigrx Plus stands out as the most effective in terms of results and customer reviews.  Not only is Vigrx Plus designed to help boost overall stamina and libido, but it’,s also the only product in its category to be clinically studied and PROVEN to work.

Click Here to read more about my specific results with Vigrx Plus

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