Title: Zapped! (1982)
4,7 /10
Telekinesis is Way Sexy!
29 March 2001 | by kdiva1313 (naperville, illinois) &ndash, See all my reviews
i have not seen an unedited version, but i have to say, this movie ROKS.
after i saw the Scott Baio celebrity profile, i fell in love. i looked up Scotty's movie history, and saw this one.
coincidentally it was on Comedy Central about 2 weeks later. even though they always play it at 7 o'clock in the morning. and it is rated TV PG. which means everything good was cut out, ZAPPED is one of my favorites.
i like the line where Barney (Baio) goes: ",Are you talkin' to me? are you talkin' to me? well i dont see anyone else here, so you must be talkin' to me", and then Peyton (Aames) says: ",then where am i Barn?", i mean sure it is campy, but it got me laughing.
Barney Springboro is really hott and even if Bernadette does fall in love with him, i still watch it every time. i think that ZAPPED is not highly appreciated, because what good teen movies are. this movie was before the BRAT PACK.
i say that if you hate it, fine. if you have never seen it, watch it! you will be surprised!
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