Tuesday, December 9, 2014

What is the dosage of L

What is the dosage of L-arginine to treat erectile dysfunction?

The amino acid l-arginine provides great cardiovascular support&mdash,most men suffering from erectile dysfunction have cardiovascular problems too. But the therapeutic ranges of l-arginine required to improve erectile dysfunction have the potential to increase nitric oxide to harmful levels. Nitric oxide is produced in the inner lining of the blood vessels and causes the vessels to relax, allowing more blood to flow to vital body tissues and organs. But too much active nitric oxide, released too quickly, causes free radical accumulation.

L-Arginine is an amino acid found in red meat and other protein sources. The body uses this amino acid to make a substance called nitric oxide (NO) that dilates blood vessels to improve blood circulation. This is believed to be how L-arginine can help increase blood flow to the penis, allowing a firmer erection.

In one study, it seemed as though using a low dose of L-arginine (500 mg three times a day) was no better than taking a placebo (sugar pill). However, this dose was effective in men with low levels of NO. The benefit was seen in approximately 6 weeks of treatment.

Note: Prior to starting L-arginine or any therapy, you should contact your doctor or healthcare provider so that he or she can advise you whether or not this treatment will interfere with your current medications or medical conditions.

The recommended starting dose of L-arginine is 2 grams daily. Because L-arginine is not designed to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) immediately (like for example, Cialis, Viagra). It needs to be used on a regular basis. Over time, ED may improve.

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