Monday, December 8, 2014

Trans siberian railway

Trans-Siberian Railway

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Stretching just shy of ten thousand kilometres across the vast expanse of Russia from Moscow to the Pacific port of Vladivostok, the Trans-Siberian Railway is so much more than just a mode of transport.

Once you have braved the snaking ticket queues (and met the sharp end of Russian customer service), on the Trans-Siberian you'll soon get to experience the real Russia that all the Cold War Propaganda you've been fed never prepared you for: multitudes of steely but twinkly-eyed and curious fellow Russian passengers all dressed in tracksuits and keen to get to know the foreigner who is passionate - or insane - enough to tackle their beloved Mother Russia from side-to-side by train.

You'll be regaled in broken English with tales of far-off sweethearts, and be offered all manner of Russian food and drink by some of the most truly generous people on Earth. Your liver may not thank you for the vodka, but the damage will be short-lived, unlike your memories of this fascinating journey - which will stay with you for a lifetime.

This website aims to offer advice and inspiration for anyone considering travelling on the Trans Siberian Railway. You'll find information on everything from visas and itineraries to accommodation, language and safety tips tucked away on this site, all written by a traveller who has experienced the journey first-hand.

If this is your first visit, you'll probably want to start here and work your way through the menu options along the top.



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