Friday, December 19, 2014

Paracord Knots

Step 1: Paracord Knots - Cobra

The Cobra Paracord Knot is the most common knot to make paracord bracelets, and Keychains. You can use 2 colors, plus 1 or 2 Flatlines. A Flatline is a piece of paracord with the center strings taken out, braided into the top of a paracord bracelet. You can also add a tracer which is a piece of micro paracord braided next to the side piece of 550 paracord.

Step 2: Paracord Knots - King Cobra

The King Cobra Paracord Knot is a popular braid to make paracord bracelets if you want the most amount of Paracord. It can hold up to 25 feet of paracord, and is the same knot as the cobra, braid back over its self. You can also make it with a Tracer or Flatline. Try all the Paracord Knots .

Step 3: Paracord Knots - Fishtail

The Fishtail Paracord Knot is the narrowest braid. Is great for smaller wrists and kids, it only uses about 8 feet of paracord.

Step 4: Paracord Knots - Viper

The Viper Paracord Knot is a newer paracord braid, with a aggressive look. It looks best when you use 2 different colors of paracord. Check out the next Paracord Knot.

Step 5: Paracord Knots - Sidewinder sign up forgot?

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