Monday, December 22, 2014

Mark Chesnutt

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    A271ET97ABOVKJ Whiskey Bent And Hell Bound 195004 mp3:US/tracks/A271ET97ABOVKJ?Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOiBbeyJSZXNvdXJjZSI6IlVTL3RyYWNrcy9BMjcxRVQ5N0FCT1ZLSiIsIkNvbmRpdGlvbiI6eyJEYXRlTGVzc1RoYW4iOnsiQVdTOkVwb2NoVGltZSI6MTQyMDQ3NjAzOX0sIklwQWRkcmVzcyI6eyJBV1M6U291cmNlSXAiOiIwLjAuMC4wLzAifSwiRGF0ZUdyZWF0ZXJUaGFuIjp7IkFXUzpFcG9jaFRpbWUiOjE0MjAzMDMyMzl9fX1dfQ__&Signature=Zlq6ds


At a Glance Biography

Saguaro Road Records is pleased to un-cinch Mark Chesnutt&rsquo,s new collection of all-American, all-time favorite, whiskey-soaked standards&mdash,OUTLAW.* From the distinguished specialty label that has brought country music enthusiasts unrivaled recordings from artists such as Patty Loveless, Tanya Tucker and Lonestar, OUTLAW follows in the same vein, with grit, spit-polished and shined, and delivered by one of country music&rsquo,s finest music stylists.

Set to be released on June 22, 2010, OUTLAW features re-recordings of some of Chesnutt&rsquo,s personal heroes and life-long friends such as Billy Joe Shaver. Read more

Saguaro Road Records is pleased to un-cinch Mark Chesnutt&rsquo,s new collection of all-American, all-time favorite, whiskey-soaked standards&mdash,OUTLAW.* From the distinguished specialty label that has brought country music enthusiasts unrivaled recordings from artists such as Patty Loveless, Tanya Tucker and Lonestar, OUTLAW follows in the same vein, with grit, spit-polished and shined, and delivered by one of country music&rsquo,s finest music stylists.

Set to be released on June 22, 2010, OUTLAW features re-recordings of some of Chesnutt&rsquo,s personal heroes and life-long friends such as Billy Joe Shaver, Willie Nelson, Kris Kristofferson and Waylon Jennings (for whom Mark&rsquo,s eldest son is named.) The product of producer Pete Anderson (Dwight Yoakam/Michelle Shocked/Tanya Tucker), OUTLAW is a true-denim-blue Mark Chesnutt-branded musical composition.

&ldquo,When I was first approached to record this CD, my reaction wasn&rsquo,t just &lsquo,yes,&rsquo, but &lsquo,hell, yeah,&rsquo,&rdquo, Chesnutt said. &ldquo,I cut my teeth on this kind of music and it&rsquo,s an opportunity [that might not have otherwise presented itself] for me to pay tribute to some of my biggest heroes in country music.&rdquo,

OUTLAW quivers with the neo-traditional country style Chesnutt has been known for over his 20-year career. With traces of black flowers, Bloody Marys, easy lovin&rsquo,, country livin&rsquo,, sober Sundays, freedoms, desperados and bad behavior, the new, timeless project is Mark Chesnutt at his best. With an invigorating feel reminiscent of the music that brought him to the forefront as a country music traditionalist, and in keeping with the musical trends that make him a mainstay in the format today, OUTLAW, delivered in quintessential Chesnutt style, warrants attention.

&ldquo,Mark Chesnutt put on a vocal display like I&rsquo,ve never before seen in the studio. He stood in front of the mic and sang the whole record, from beginning to end, flawlessly [and in less than three hours]. We are all amazed at the results,&rdquo, introduced producer Pete Anderson. &ldquo,There may be singers out there as good as Mark, but there are none better and, at this point in my career, I am thrilled to have had the opportunity to work with this caliber of talent.&rdquo,

Carrying the torch in the footsteps of George Jones and Waylon Jennings, Chesnutt plays nearly 100 dates a year. He has four platinum albums, five gold albums, 14 No. 1 singles and 23 Top 10 singles to his name, his trademarked voice has shaped the music of today&rsquo,s country music newcomers and the new country music generation. OUTLAW is Chesnutt&rsquo,s fourteenth studio recording and the first project of work from L.A. The CD will be available via all major retail and digital outlets.

For more information on Mark Chesnutt visit

This biography was provided by the artist or their representative.

Saguaro Road Records is pleased to un-cinch Mark Chesnutt&rsquo,s new collection of all-American, all-time favorite, whiskey-soaked standards&mdash,OUTLAW.* From the distinguished specialty label that has brought country music enthusiasts unrivaled recordings from artists such as Patty Loveless, Tanya Tucker and Lonestar, OUTLAW follows in the same vein, with grit, spit-polished and shined, and delivered by one of country music&rsquo,s finest music stylists.

Set to be released on June 22, 2010, OUTLAW features re-recordings of some of Chesnutt&rsquo,s personal heroes and life-long friends such as Billy Joe Shaver, Willie Nelson, Kris Kristofferson and Waylon Jennings (for whom Mark&rsquo,s eldest son is named.) The product of producer Pete Anderson (Dwight Yoakam/Michelle Shocked/Tanya Tucker), OUTLAW is a true-denim-blue Mark Chesnutt-branded musical composition.

&ldquo,When I was first approached to record this CD, my reaction wasn&rsquo,t just &lsquo,yes,&rsquo, but &lsquo,hell, yeah,&rsquo,&rdquo, Chesnutt said. &ldquo,I cut my teeth on this kind of music and it&rsquo,s an opportunity [that might not have otherwise presented itself] for me to pay tribute to some of my biggest heroes in country music.&rdquo,

OUTLAW quivers with the neo-traditional country style Chesnutt has been known for over his 20-year career. With traces of black flowers, Bloody Marys, easy lovin&rsquo,, country livin&rsquo,, sober Sundays, freedoms, desperados and bad behavior, the new, timeless project is Mark Chesnutt at his best. With an invigorating feel reminiscent of the music that brought him to the forefront as a country music traditionalist, and in keeping with the musical trends that make him a mainstay in the format today, OUTLAW, delivered in quintessential Chesnutt style, warrants attention.

&ldquo,Mark Chesnutt put on a vocal display like I&rsquo,ve never before seen in the studio. He stood in front of the mic and sang the whole record, from beginning to end, flawlessly [and in less than three hours]. We are all amazed at the results,&rdquo, introduced producer Pete Anderson. &ldquo,There may be singers out there as good as Mark, but there are none better and, at this point in my career, I am thrilled to have had the opportunity to work with this caliber of talent.&rdquo,

Carrying the torch in the footsteps of George Jones and Waylon Jennings, Chesnutt plays nearly 100 dates a year. He has four platinum albums, five gold albums, 14 No. 1 singles and 23 Top 10 singles to his name, his trademarked voice has shaped the music of today&rsquo,s country music newcomers and the new country music generation. OUTLAW is Chesnutt&rsquo,s fourteenth studio recording and the first project of work from L.A. The CD will be available via all major retail and digital outlets.

For more information on Mark Chesnutt visit

This biography was provided by the artist or their representative.

Saguaro Road Records is pleased to un-cinch Mark Chesnutt&rsquo,s new collection of all-American, all-time favorite, whiskey-soaked standards&mdash,OUTLAW.* From the distinguished specialty label that has brought country music enthusiasts unrivaled recordings from artists such as Patty Loveless, Tanya Tucker and Lonestar, OUTLAW follows in the same vein, with grit, spit-polished and shined, and delivered by one of country music&rsquo,s finest music stylists.

Set to be released on June 22, 2010, OUTLAW features re-recordings of some of Chesnutt&rsquo,s personal heroes and life-long friends such as Billy Joe Shaver, Willie Nelson, Kris Kristofferson and Waylon Jennings (for whom Mark&rsquo,s eldest son is named.) The product of producer Pete Anderson (Dwight Yoakam/Michelle Shocked/Tanya Tucker), OUTLAW is a true-denim-blue Mark Chesnutt-branded musical composition.

&ldquo,When I was first approached to record this CD, my reaction wasn&rsquo,t just &lsquo,yes,&rsquo, but &lsquo,hell, yeah,&rsquo,&rdquo, Chesnutt said. &ldquo,I cut my teeth on this kind of music and it&rsquo,s an opportunity [that might not have otherwise presented itself] for me to pay tribute to some of my biggest heroes in country music.&rdquo,

OUTLAW quivers with the neo-traditional country style Chesnutt has been known for over his 20-year career. With traces of black flowers, Bloody Marys, easy lovin&rsquo,, country livin&rsquo,, sober Sundays, freedoms, desperados and bad behavior, the new, timeless project is Mark Chesnutt at his best. With an invigorating feel reminiscent of the music that brought him to the forefront as a country music traditionalist, and in keeping with the musical trends that make him a mainstay in the format today, OUTLAW, delivered in quintessential Chesnutt style, warrants attention.

&ldquo,Mark Chesnutt put on a vocal display like I&rsquo,ve never before seen in the studio. He stood in front of the mic and sang the whole record, from beginning to end, flawlessly [and in less than three hours]. We are all amazed at the results,&rdquo, introduced producer Pete Anderson. &ldquo,There may be singers out there as good as Mark, but there are none better and, at this point in my career, I am thrilled to have had the opportunity to work with this caliber of talent.&rdquo,

Carrying the torch in the footsteps of George Jones and Waylon Jennings, Chesnutt plays nearly 100 dates a year. He has four platinum albums, five gold albums, 14 No. 1 singles and 23 Top 10 singles to his name, his trademarked voice has shaped the music of today&rsquo,s country music newcomers and the new country music generation. OUTLAW is Chesnutt&rsquo,s fourteenth studio recording and the first project of work from L.A. The CD will be available via all major retail and digital outlets.

For more information on Mark Chesnutt visit

This biography was provided by the artist or their representative.


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