Thursday, December 18, 2014

How to Use a Promethean Board in the Classroom


Write on the Promethean board using the special pens, and get the students to contribute to the lesson by writing on the board, as well. Convert the words to text if you can -- this depends on the quality of the handwriting -- and print it out, if desired. Use the board for math lessons to work out calculations, for example, or for English literacy to correct punctuation and grammar.

Access the Internet for research and information to use in your lesson. In a journalism class, for example, you could display the current news. Demonstrate how the stories are written and describe what images have been used. Compare the same story in several newspapers and point out the differences. This can be done with physical copies of newspapers, but using the Promethean board allows your entire class to view the same article at the same time.

References Resources More Like This

Ideas for Using Promethean Boards in the Classroom

How to Clean a Promethean Board

How to Connect a Promethean 300 Board Wirelessly

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