Wednesday, December 3, 2014

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Loading. What is the meaning of the sideways cross necklace that everyone seems to be wearing?

asked by my_girl_sara 2 years ago

Celebrities from Selena Gomez and JLo all seem to be on this fashion trend in jewelry. Why sideways? Does it mean something or is it just a new take on the cross?

tsmog says

The cross as a symbol dates back to a long time period of paganism before Christ and the cross. The sideways cross with the shorter end toward the left is representative of the Cross used by Denmark on their flag. Rumor says that is the oldest national flag. Most Scandinavian countries and is referred to as the Nordic cross. The use of the sideways cross in that manner is wide spread on flags including state flags.

It is also an old math symbol. And, at one time it represented the picking up of your cross and following. No need to be upright, since the Christian has no need of being crucified as an individual or - that task according to the Bible has been completed.

There are allusions to it being an anchor hoisted on the bow indicated at full sail, in which case the direction of the cross has importance or which side the short end is on or the side that drops into the water when the anchor is set.

Satanism jumps in on the symbolism too. There was way too much to read on that. Personally for much of jewelry business it is an economical way to manufacture a clasp and use it as a marketing tool as well. A long time ago the short end slid through an oblong circle fastening a chain together becoming a link.

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