Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Compression Stockings

Juzo Compression Socks, Stockings &, Support Hose

Juzo®, knows how important comfort, quality and therapeutic effectiveness is in medical stockings. Juzo's exclusive FiberSoft&trade, process wraps protective threads around every elastic fiber to create a comfort layer next to your skin while providing medically gradient compression. This increases the durability of the garment and regulates the stretch of the elastic to prevent over-stretching. Juzo stockings are easy to don, have breathable fabrics and are manufactured in a pleasing array of colors. Their excellent sizing makes finding a good fit much simpler.

Juzo Arm Sleeves & Gauntlets Why Juzo?

Juzo's company founder, Julius Zorn, knew how important comfort, quality and therapeutic effectiveness is in a medical product - he had to wear a back brace his entire life. Because of his personal experiences, he developed a philosophy that medical garments should not inhibit a person's lifestyle. Then he put that philosophy to work.

When he chose to enter the medical supply industry and manufacture compression garments, he created a litmus test for his company's products: each one must be designed to allow natural freedom of movement. Simply put, the products should be so comfortable and fashionable, customers will forget they're wearing a compression garment.

Since 1912, Juzo has been a pioneer of new technologies. Whether it's designing a more comfortable garment or incorporating other technological advances such as their FiberSoft technology, Juzo has led the industry in creating a high quality product that moves with you.

As with other medical conditions, the best way to manage your situation is to follow the advice of your primary care provider. When it comes to compression therapy garments, comfort and style are the deciding factors in patient compliance. Juzo's two-way stretch materials, and wide variety of styles in fashion colors, give you the freedom to maintain or enhance your lifestyle.

Juzo &mdash, along with Jobst. Medi. Sigvaris. CEP. and Zensah. &mdash, have gone to MAP (minimum advertised prices) for their products. This controls what we can charge for their socks and stockings.

*Some of these manufacturers do allow occasional specials or temporarily suspend their MAP. Sign up for our newsletter or create an account to be automatically notified when there is a sale or price drop of your favorite garments!

**For the socks & stockings not under the MAP policies, you will find CompressionStockings.com to be among the lowest priced on the internet, and the lowest priced of the major compressionwear vendors.

We ARE allowed to discount the following Juzo products:

Juzo Silver Soles 12-16 mmHg | Juzo Attractive 12-16 mmHg | Juzo Cotton Support 15-20 mmHg | Juzo Basic 15-20, 20-30. 30-40 mmHg | Juzo Basic Ribbed 20-30 mmHg &, 30-40 mmHg | Juzo Basic Casual 15-20 &, 20-30mmHg

If you would like large quantity, contact us for a quote!


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