Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Best Nasal Decongestant

Best Nasal Decongestant

Before directly hunting for the best nasal decongestant information, it is important to know about why one would need it. Nasal congestion is basically blockage in the nasal passages due to swelling of the membranes lining the nose, as a result of inflamed blood vessels. Also known as nasal blockage, nasal obstruction and blocked nose, it has numerous causes varying from a mild annoyance to a life-threatening condition. Our body's nasal and sinus membranes get swollen and congested due to some allergies, common cold, upper respiratory infection such as, sinusitis or sinus infection, etc. resulting in pain, pressure, mucus production and runny nose.

These secretions usually thicken over time and may slow in their drainage, making the nasal or sinus membranes more susceptible to future bacterial or viral infections. Moreover, nasal congestion can also block the eustachian tube leading to the ear, causing a feeling of blockage in the ear or fluid behind the eardrum. People suffering nasal congestion usually find difficulty breathing through the nose and start breathing from the mouth. This health syndrome can affect people of all ages but, is more in children and people with weak immune system or resistance power.

What is a Nasal Decongestant

The best way to treat or open up these congested nasal or breathing passages is to use a nasal decongestant. But as one walks down any medical aisle at the drug store seeing different options like cough suppressants, expectorants, antihistamines and decongestants or any possible combination, one can surely get confuse which one is the best. Since, most cold and flu drugs attack the symptoms, not the particular virus, nasal decongestant is quite an effective treatment for not only curing the symptoms but also keeping them from occurring in future.

Ideal Nasal Decongestant

The best nasal decongestant is one which is able to clear the nasal passages fast, making easier for the patient to breathe through the nose. Also the decongestant should be able to relieve runny nose by providing a mild drying effect. It should be able to reduces blood flow to the nasal membranes leading to improved or better airflow, less breathing through the mouth, reduced pressure in the sinuses and head, hence subsequently less discomfort and uneasiness. There are many over the counter nasal decongestant medicines which come in a pill or spray form to relieve nasal congestion and other related symptoms.

One of the best over the counter nasal decongestant medicine is Sudafed nasal decongestant which comes in spray as well as tablet form and is available at all medical stores. It helps relieving sinus pressure from sinusitis and nasal congestion due to allergies, cold and other respiratory problems. Afrin nasal spray, Neo-Synephrine, Otrivin, Dristan nasal spray, etc. are some other decongestant sprays that clear the blocked nasal passages instantly and are effective in treating the initial stages of a common cold or viral infection. These sprays act upon the alpha receptors present in the walls of blood vessels in the nasal and sinus membranes. They contract and narrow the blood vessels, thereby reducing blood flow into the linings of the nose and sinuses. This subsequently reduces swelling and the feeling of congestion, which also hampers the mucus production in the nose and relieves a blocked nose.

Nasal decongestants, especially nasal sprays relieve the congestion within a few minutes and their medicinal effect lasts up to 9 - 10 hours. Hence, a spray should be used in each nostril, 2 - 3 times a day, for only 3 - 5 days as its prolonged use can lead to rebound congestion. Lightheadedness, drowsiness, increased blood pressure and heart rate are a few side effects associated with nasal decongestants. Hence, it is recommended to consult your physician, especially if you are pregnant or have heart problems before using any of these medications.


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