Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Apnea Board - Sleep Apnea discussion forums, CPAP manuals and advice

Apnea Board - Sleep Apnea discussion forums, CPAP manuals and advice - Sleep Apnea patients helping one another

Sleep apnea (or sleep apnoea in British English) is a sleep disorder characterized by abnormal pauses in breathing or instances of shallow breathing during sleep. Each pause in breathing, called an apnea. can last from a few seconds to minutes, and may occur 5 to 30 times or more an hour. Similarly, each shallow breathing event is called a hypopnea. Sleep apnea is diagnosed with an overnight sleep test called a polysomnogram. or "sleep study".

There are three forms of sleep apnea: central (CSA). obstructive (OSA). and complex or mixed sleep apnea (i.e. a combination of central and obstructive) constituting 0.4%, 84% and 15% of cases respectively. In CSA, breathing is interrupted by a lack of respiratory effort, in OSA, breathing is interrupted by a physical block to airflow despite respiratory effort, and snoring is common.

Regardless of type, an individual with sleep apnea is rarely aware of having difficulty breathing, even upon awakening. Sleep apnea is recognized as a problem by others witnessing the individual during episodes or is suspected because of its effects on the body. Symptoms may be present for years (or even decades) without identification, during which time the sufferer may become conditioned to the daytime sleepiness and fatigue associated with significant levels of sleep disturbance.


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