In the last ten years, I’,ve aerated 8,000 (now 9000) lawns, and I love lawn care. A few weeks ago I aerated my yard with a lawn aerator, and lawn aeration has made my grass green and healthy. This is the most comprehensive lawn aeration site ever built! Our goal is to help you find answers to all you lawn care needs. Everything from watering to weed control…,. lawn aerating, thatching and complete renovation. We hope you will learn a lot of new and fascinating things about lawn care. (Please ‘,Like US’, …,. THANKS )
Aerating your lawn does all the following and more:
1. Reduces your dependency on water. Why spend more money watering your lawn than you have to? In neighborhoods or cities where water is very expensive, nearly everyone will aerate their lawn.
2. Aerating encourages your roots to grow deeper. Within two weeks of aerating, you’,ll notice that the holes left by the aerator start to fill up with plant roots. These roots are growing thicker and deeper.
3. Lawn Aerator holes help to absorb water. Rather than water having to start penetrating from the surface, it can start penetrating from one to 2 ½ inches below the surface. Not only will the holes made by the aerator hold the water, but they will also help the water to sink 2 inches deeper into the soil.
4. It also encourages thicker turf. As your roots grow down, your grass will grow quicker and thicker, creating a thicker turf.
5. Using a lawn aerator helps build organic material in the soil. Compacted soil just doesn’,t have nearly as much organic material in it.
6. Reduces soil compaction. Aerating also reduces compaction on the roots.
7. Aerating your lawn can save you money. By not having to water your lawn as often in the summer when water is the most expensive, you can save money.
8. Your law n stays greener because it doesn’,t need as much water to stay green, and because deeper roots have more access to nutrients.
9. Aerating your lawn helps out with over seeding it. It makes it a lot easier to seed your lawn if you have holes for the seeds to fall into, and you have plugs on the surface to help them germinate.
10. Aerating adds a layer of top-dressing to your lawn. Yeah! Aerating your lawn is like giving it top-dressing. This reason alone makes me want to aerate my lawn twice a year.
11. Aerating makes your lawn more durable and resistant to foot traffic. This is one of the most important reasons why they zealously aerate lawns on golf courses, especially on the putting greens and tip-off/driving areas where they get the most traffic. (I should know, I live off of a golf course!)
12. Aerating allows air direct access to the plant. Air exchange can take place more readily, and it can help your plants be more healthy.
13. Lawn aeration helps aerobic bacteria to break down thatch in your lawn. It does this because it allows aerobic bacteria access to the thatch layer.
14. Using a lawn aerator regularly can help reduce thatch by helping your roots to grow down into the ground and not along the surface. Superficial root growth creates thatch. Once aerated, roots grow down, and thatch isn’,t much of an issue.
15. Lawn aeration reduces runoff. If you’,ve ever watered your lawn, only to see it all go off into the street, you know exactly what I’,m talking about. When you aerate your lawn, the water goes into the ground and not just over the top of it.
16. Using aerators for lawns, can help to turn the soil for you. You can’,t exactly till your soil up without destroying all your grass, but you can turn the soil when you aerate it.
17. When you aerate lawn, you pull up beneficial bacteria from under the soil that can help break down thatch that is on top of the surface of the soil.
18. Lawn aeration can prevent compaction. Clay soils tend get more compacted, especially during the summer, or when average daily temperatures go above 75°. Lawn aeration can prevent this compaction from damaging your root system.
19. Some cities offer a cash incentive or a rebate on your watering bill just for aerating your lawn. In Seattle, homeowners got a $25 mail-in rebate from the city for aerating their lawns.
20. It makes it a lot easier for fertilizers to work their way into the soil. Also, if you plan on covering your grass with a light layer of top-dressing, you will have the best results if you aerate it before hand.
21. You should also aerate your ground before putting down new sod. It will help it to come in a lot faster.
22. Lawn aerating can make your lawn look more attractive than your neighbors. As long as you do the other things you need to like water, mow and fertilize on a regular basis, you’,ll be the envy of your neighborhood.
23. Aerating reduces your dependency on fertilizers. Because it can help promote more organic material in your soil, it means that the organic material will be producing fertilizer for you, and it allows your roots to go deeper so they can have access to more of the soil that is already underneath your lawn.
24. Aerating increases the effectiveness of fertilizers. Fertilizing right after you aerate your lawn is the best way for you to get good penetration. This allows the fertilizer to go where it needs to go, and not just sitting on the surface of your grass.
25. Lawn aeration, as the name implies, makes it easier for your lawn to breathe. Your lawn can more readily exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide with the environment when you aerate it.
26. Lawn aeration will increase activity levels of microorganisms in your soil because it will make it easier for your soil to keep moisture, and absorb it at a deeper level.
27. Aerating will help to prevent grubs from infiltrating and destroying your lawn. First of all, it helps to strengthen the root system which is the first thing that gets attacked by grubs, and second, it helps to break down thatch where grubs typically hide.
28. It helps to prevent lawn disease. When water sits on top of your lawn for long periods of time, it can easily develop a lawn disease or fungus. When you aerate, you make it easier for water to penetrate and not just sit on top of the surface of the soil, and this reduces the chances of getting lawn disease.
29. Lawn aeration is a really good workout. especially if you’,re doing it with a hand aerator. But even if you use a mechanical core aerator, it is good exercise for you to do.
30. Rapid grass growth. For grass to grow faster, make sure to aerate in the spring and fall.
31. Aerating your lawn in the fall makes it a great time to over seed your lawn with Shade seed. This will help keep long-term thinning out during the winter.
32. Lawn aerating makes it easier for earthworms and natural predators to proliferate and enjoy living in your soil. If the soil gets too hard, or dries out, earthworms won’,t do very well.
33. When you aerate your lawn, it stimulates growth. It thins out your lawn a little and allows the most healthy parts of your lawn to grow back the quickest.
34. A thick lawn is more resistant to weeds. Using a lawn aerator also helps to prevent weeds. Occasionally I read blogs where people say that aerating your lawn in the spring is going to give you weeds. I don’,t think I agree. If you aerate early enough in the spring, then by the time weeds grow. around a few weeks later, your lawn will be fuller and thicker and more resistant to weeds.
35. When you aerate lawn, it helps to repair bad patches in your lawn .With compacted soil, your roots will only grow down about an inch, to an inch and a half. When you aerate your soil, your roots will grow down 3 to 6 inches underneath the soil. The way the grass looks underneath the soil patterns the way it looks on top of the soil. As your roots start to grow deeper and fuller, the top of your grass will grow deeper and fuller as well.
36. In some areas, aerating can keep your grass from going dormant during the summer or during the winter. For instance, in Seattle, the grass went dormant every summer if you didn’,t aerate your lawn. This was because as soon as it stops raining, the ground got hard. By taking the time to aerate, you can prevent it from going dormant in the summer.
37. You get a big head start with your lawn when you use a lawn aerator. People who aerate their lawns in the fall will usually notice that about the middle of February, their lawn starts turning green. People who don’,t aerate their lawn are going to have to wait until the end of March or April, before they start having a green lawn. By aerating in the fall, you have an extra two months of green lawn before the beginning of spring.
38. When you aerate lawn in the early fall, it will also keep your lawn greener longer. Rather than having your grass go dormant at the end of October, it may not go dormant until the middle of December, or at all over the winter. Lawns with healthy root systems tend to do better during the winter.
39. Aerating helps new lawns to establish themselves faster. In new subdivisions, they often don’,t put down enough topsoil. By going in and aerating it and then fertilizing with a turf builder, you can have a green and established lawn 5 to 10 years faster than your neighbors.
40. Aerating can help you to repair empty spaces in your lawn. Go over the open areas 4 or 5 times with a lawn aerator and then over seed it heavily. The grass should come in about three weeks. Just make sure to water it daily.
41. Aerating makes your grass more resistance to drought.
42. Using a lawn aerator makes your grass more tolerant of high temperatures.
43. It is environmentally friendly to use an aerator. A thicker and fuller lawn is going to produce more oxygen. As a matter of fact, a very healthy patch of 600 ft.² lawn, produces enough oxygen for a family of four!
A Lawn Aerator is a Secret Weapon! You have a secret weapon for improving your lawn and saving money. Lawn aerating helps your lawn breathe and be healthy by providing oxygen and nutrients direct access to the root system. But that is only the tip of the iceberg! Aerating your lawn does a lot more!
Aerating saves you money by reducing the amount you need to water. Many cities even offer you a rebate on your water bill the first time you aerate!
Lawn aeration builds a thicker turf. Water helps roots to penetrate tough soils and makes it easier for your roots to grow thicker and deeper.
Using a lawn aerator improves your soil. Aerating helps in the same way that using a rototiller helps your garden. It loosens the dirt and circulates it. It adds a new layer of topsoil to your lawn if you don’,t rake the plugs.
Aerating eliminates thatch. Thatch grows along the surface when roots can’,t penetrate the soil. Rhizomes and stolons (sideways growing roots) make up the thatch. Aerating encourages roots to grow down instead of growing sideways. When you aerate lawn, you allow aerobic bacteria to break down the dead grasses. If you have a lot of thatch, you should also consider using a dethatcher or a power rake .
Aeration Questions –, Aerating Tips
1) When to Aerate Lawn ?
2) How Do I Know if I Need Aeration ?
3) What Are The Different Types of Lawn Aerators?
Questions on lawn aeration, lawn renovations, or lawn care? Ask the lawn experts for FREE. More than likely, you will find the answers to your questions on our site. If not, you can submit questions at the bottom of this page and we will be glad to answer them (1 to 48 hours response time). We have aerated and thatched over 7,000 lawns. We are your Online Source for Answers!
What is Lawn Aeration and When to Aerate Lawns?
When you aerate lawn, you make holes in your yard that allows it to absorb more water, stimulate deeper root growth and cut soil compaction. Lawn aeration is the process of using a mechanical, liquid, or hand lawn aerator to aerate your lawn. A lawn aerator also allows air and nutrients direct access to the root system. By removing cores from your lawn, it gives your soil room for expansion, and this reduces stress on the roots and gives you a nice looking lawn throughout the year.
Lawn Aeration softens hard soil by allowing water to penetrate into it and not just running off of the surface. As your roots grow deeper, you won’,t need to water as often. This can save you money. It also allows your lawn to stay greener in the summer and winter. Clay soil expands when the weather gets warm (or cold) causing the soil to become compacted.
In addition, there are a few different types of lawn services that go well with aeration. These include thatching, fertilization, over seeding and liming.
*Find Out About Lawn Aerators.
Five Major Benefits of Aerating Your Lawn
There are many benefits of core aeration. Core Aeration keeps your lawn greener, reducing the cost of watering by:
1) Improving drainage &, reduce runoff
2) Reducing soil compaction
3) Controlling thatch development
4) Reducing drought damage
5) Allowing water, air, and nutrients direct access to the root system.
How to Aerate Lawn and How Often Do I Use a Lawn Aerator?
Most experts recommend you should aerate lawns every 1-3 years. If you have hills, pets or active outdoor children, you may even need it twice a year. The best time to fertilize and over seed is just after aerating your lawn. For new lawns, turf aeration is very important. Most developers scrape off the topsoil when they build a new home. It can take years before soil to become naturally healthy again. The best way to make it healthy quickly is with a lawn core aerator.
Also, in many areas, new lawns are installed on top of hard clay. A core lawn aerator can speed up the process of soil integration by encouraging roots and grass growth. If you have bad soil, you should do it at least once a year for the first five years that you own a home. It is very effective to also fertilize and over seed right after aerating. After a lawn comes in, most experts still recommend that you aerate lawn once every three years.
When to aerate my Lawn?“When to aerate a lawn ” and “,how to aerate your lawn “,, are two of the most common questions I get asked all the time. The correct answer to this question is that almost any time you do lawn aeration, it will have some positive effect, and whether it will have a lot of benefit depends on a few of the following factors.
Season. Most of the time certain areas have seasons that are best for lawn aerating. The spring and the fall are usually the best times to aerate. If you live in an area that is still relatively warm in the winter, then the winter would also work. Summer aerating works best if your lawn is still very wet in the spring. Summer is not the best time if your lawn has already turned hard.
To get the best results when aerating your lawn, you want to use a core aerator. This will allow you to pull plugs out of your lawn and a deeper water penetration. As the water sinks deeper into the soil, it should also encourage the roots to grow deeper. As the roots grow deeper, this will also thicken the turf and naturally break up the clays underneath the soil. Another reason spring and early summer are great times to aerate, is because this is the time when the grasses are actively growing. This means that the root system is also growing and this will give you the greatest benefit.
Another important factor is what you’,re planning to do after you aerate. Lawn aeration works well with over seeding and fertilizing. You want to time your lawn aeration so that you can also over seed or fertilize the lawn. Once again, spring is a great time to do this, but in some parts of the country, summer, fall and winter may also be a good time to aerate.
Temperatures between 50 and 75 degrees are ideal when you are aerating your lawn. These temperatures are also ideal for over seeding with cool weather grass. Warmer grasses will do well up to 85 degrees. Planting seeds early is an advantage because you won’,t need to water as much.
The best time to aerate your lawn is usually in April or in late September. For spring aeration, the ideal time is March to the end of June. In the fall, it is September to October.The ‘,perfect time’, to aerate a lawn may change according to where you live. If the ground is too soft, it isn’,t a good time. If the ground is too hard, it needs watering for about an hour beforehand to get the best results with a lawn aerator. Lawns aerated on a regular basis may produce better plugs. Lawn aeration is easily accomplished using a lawn aerator machine, aerator shoes, liquid aeration, a tow behind aerator, or a hand aerator.
Lawn care tips: Now that I have aerated my lawn, what’,s next?Many fertilizer brands tell you how often to fertilize. (About 3-5 times per year). Most programs when followed tend to work very well. The very best time to fertilize is in the spring and in the fall, or when the grass is actively growing. The three main elements in fertilizers are Nitrogen (N), Potassium (K) and Phosphorous. These are comparable to Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen in humans. The three main elements are represented by the three numbers on the bag of fertilizer you buy in the store. Knowing this allows you to decide how strong the fertilizer is that you are using. Straight Urea has the numbers 46-0-0. This means it is very large in Nitrogen content, but lacks the 2 other essential nutrients. A good concentration for lawn fertilizer has 25-30 Nitrogen, 8-12 potassium and 6-10 phosphorous. (Weed and Feed may not have any phosphorous because phosphorous strengthens weeds.) Remember, the best time to fertilize is after you have used a lawn aerator to aerate your lawn!
Questions on Aerating Lawn and Thatching? More than likely, your questions are answered on this site, but if you still have questions, feel free to ask. We try to respond to you within 24 hours. Monday to Friday. We also appreciate them, because we can turn them into useful content for other searchers.
This page answers questions on lawn aeration, when to aerate lawn, why aerating lawn with a lawn aerator is important, how to aerate lawn, and why aerating your lawn is so important.
*Learn more about raised bed gardens and have your lawn and garden questions answered.
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