Thursday, December 11, 2014

Alkaline Water Machines - Kangen Water Machines Health Benefits

 Alkaline Water Machines Health Benefits

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Alkaline water does not cure any disease.

Alkaline water assists the body to recover the normal pH and to heal itself.

There are 3 simple reasons why you need an Alkaline water machine at home.

    To restore your body’,s pH back to neutral (or about 7.4). A body with a neutral pH is a healthy body! If your blood’,s pH lower than 6.8 it becomes acidic. An acidic body is a place where sickness and disease can easily develop. Drinking plenty of Alkalized water will maintain the pH of our bodies neutral, between a healthy range of 6.8 to 7.8, ideally 7.4. This neutral pH, not acidic-not too alkaline, prevents our immune system from malfunction or get weaker and disease to develop and keeps it strong and healthy!

Drinking plenty of alkaline-micro cluster water helps to keep the our bodies hydrated. Alkaline-micro-cluster water means that the water molecules are smaller than regular bottled water. Our bodies can easily and quickly absorbe those smaller molecules of water and keep it well hydrated.

Drinking enough alkaline water also helps to detox by improving elimination through urination. transpiration and defecation.

Alkaline water machines produce a water that is highly in antioxidants. Antioxidants neutralize, combat and render free radicals  harmless, (that otherwise cause damage and destruction to the cellular level on our bodies).

In my personal opinion  maintaining certain level and amount of antioxidants in our bodies, might help medical treatments to avoid chronic fatigue, promote longevity and improve our health.

Testimonial of the Health Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Water

Sign up for my FREE “,Uses of Kangen Water”, e-book


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