Title: Lizzie Borden Took an Ax (TV Movie 2014)
5,7 /10
Frequently Asked Questions User Reviewsdecent TV movie - worst sound track ever
You probably know the ",Lizzie Borden took an axe", children',s rhyme and wondered where it came from. This movie tells the story of the real crime that formed the basis of the rhyme.
Thankfully, the sound track was used at only half a dozen places in the film, because it was so inappropriate that it could easily have ruined everything. While the story took place in a sedate New England town, where people lived genteel lives, sipping tea and wearing frock coats (think Anne of Green Gables), the sound track was screaming rock. Unbelievably jarring. Even in a party scene where people were dancing whatever they danced in those days of long gowns--waltzes, I suppose--it was portrayed minus the sounds of the party, minus the music that would have been played there, all replaced with a nerve-jangling sound track of rock music. Whoever made that decision should find another field to work in. Horrible.
",Lizzie Borden took an axe, Gave her mother forty whacks. When she saw what she had done, She gave her father forty-one.",
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